
After three years, 100 chapters, hundred of hours, and lots of emotions, Newsies Quarantined has finally reached its end. Thank you to all of you who have followed me on this journey and any part of it. I'm so incredibly grateful for you guys. I love you <3


As for the other stories, I've been mentally plotting Scars of the Past and that should be wrapped up over the next few months. I have a few things I need to work out but I have the ending completely planned and I think you guys will (hopefully) like it and not hate me for it so yeah haha. The others I'll probably work on periodically. Thank you again.


After three years, 100 chapters, hundred of hours, and lots of emotions, Newsies Quarantined has finally reached its end. Thank you to all of you who have followed me on this journey and any part of it. I'm so incredibly grateful for you guys. I love you <3


As for the other stories, I've been mentally plotting Scars of the Past and that should be wrapped up over the next few months. I have a few things I need to work out but I have the ending completely planned and I think you guys will (hopefully) like it and not hate me for it so yeah haha. The others I'll probably work on periodically. Thank you again.


Hi! Thank you all so incredibly much for a thousand reads on Scars of the Past! I am so insanely grateful for each and every one of you who has taken the time to read the book. You are all incredibly amazing people and I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you so much!


I think my favorite feature on this app is the stats because sometimes they just make me giggle. 
          I wanted to take a break from my book so I decided to come back on here and work on another chapter for Scars of the Past. I looked at the stats for the past few chapters and it dropped by like 50% (for people completing the chapter) for 
          my most recent chapter from the one before. It's a tad bit longer than the previous one but not by much, so the only thing I could think of for why it was so hated was the fact it was a moment between Zeke and Spot and that has me dying. I love you guys haha. I promise a big plot change is coming up soooooo watch out for that. You guys are amazing <3.


I have reached a new level of stupidity! 
          Okay sooo I’m working on my book (that I hope to publish) and making mood boards for all of the characters. Thing is, I decided to name one of the characters Amanda as tribute to my byline of 5ish years. 
          I was sitting there, staring at her board thinking “what is her last name? I know she had one but what was it?” 
          This has taken me weeks to remember. LYNN. AMANDA LYNN. Oh my lord. I hate myself haha. On the bright side, plot wise my brain works. Character wise, I guess not. Geez. 


Heyyyy! Out of curiosity, do you guys prefer longer or shorter chapters? And What do you consider too short or too long? 
          I was looking at the demographics and my longer chapter didn't do as well as the shorter ones which is no biggie haha I'm just curious what you guys prefer so I can try and strive for that. 
          Also, I had so much fun today ranting about Zeke and Corey for an hour with a friend today so I want to give you guys the chance. Rant about your favorite characters you've made and we can have a discussion about them together!


Also seeing my friend actually loving Corey made me so excited. Poor baby doesn't get a lot of love compared my others (by me included).


Hey! I just wanted to give you all a few little reminders. There’s been a lot of negative energy in the air lately and I want to make sure you guys know how truly amazing you are.
          You are enough. 
          You are doing everything just fine. 
          You do not need to change for anyone. 
          You should always strive for your goals no matter how large or how small. Don’t let others opinions of them push you away. 
          Your mistakes do NOT define you. Everyone makes them, and soon they will be dirt under the rug. 
          Your worst enemy is yourself. The things that are stressing you, the people you see as competition, all of it. It is all your own doing. Don’t let those thoughts get to you. You are much stronger than the devil on your shoulder. 
          You are beautiful just the way you are. 
          You are loved. 
          You are accepted. 
          I hope you’re all doing well and you have a lovely rest of your day and night. Take care! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey there! I hope you’re all well! 
                I apologize that I haven’t been the most active. It really wasn’t my intention but life took over and I’ve really not had a lot of time to work on my stories on here. 
               I would love to say I’ll be more active from here on out, but I think my time on this app may be coming to an end soon. 
               Newsies Quarantined, and Scars of the Past are both reaching their ends, and I’d love to get Riot to that point. Regardless, I promise to finish them out. I don’t want to leave them halfway done when I’ve already dedicated two years of my life to them. 
               As for the Reunion book, I may come on here periodically and write short stories with my characters. Maybe I’ll finish that one out like a normal book but it probably won’t be the most frequently updated book. 
               I’ve come to the realization lately that if I really want to publish a book one day, I really need to settle down on it. I’ve made myself a goal of a two year writing span, and then finding a publisher from there. I have the book drafted out and I even published the first draft of a few chapter on here. I’ve been changing those like crazy and I unpublished it so that’s not the first taste people get of it haha. 
               Anyways, I want to thank you all for being along with me on this ride. I’m so so grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you. 
          -Amanda Lynn


Did my vampire story delete or what because I can’t see it anymore :(


@A_DotHamiltonfan I’m sorry :( that really sucks 


Thanks! I checked my drafts and I didn’t see it :( I guess I’ll have to re-write it 


@A_DotHamiltonfan it might have been put in drafts. I went to comment and it said it was deleted but that could just mean it’s not public anymore. It would alert you if you deleted it. It was super good though! 