
Hello everyone, hope you're all having a fantastic morning/afternoon/night so far! 
          	Before I start, I just noticed that my very first fanfiction, Trembling Hands, has almost hit 700K reads, which is INSANE!!! I'm seriously blown away. Thank you guys so much!!! I see I'm still getting new readers on it too, which is super cool (apologizing in advance for the carrotiness of my 2012/2013 writing lol). 
          	Anyway, I posted earlier about making a separate account, but I've decided against that. Instead, I've combined my two accounts and the stories (hence the name change if you haven't noticed). I've been really inspired lately, and I've been working on some cool new drafts that I hope to eventually turn into stories. Some stories will be fan-fictions (mostly One Direction related), and some will be regular fiction. 
          	For those of you still interested in/reading my stories, and for those of you who just started - thank you so much!!! I sincerely appreciate every read, comment, and vote: you guys are the best!


@ReservedRose please make part 3 to the story. it's amazing and I really need more.


Hello everyone, hope you're all having a fantastic morning/afternoon/night so far! 
          Before I start, I just noticed that my very first fanfiction, Trembling Hands, has almost hit 700K reads, which is INSANE!!! I'm seriously blown away. Thank you guys so much!!! I see I'm still getting new readers on it too, which is super cool (apologizing in advance for the carrotiness of my 2012/2013 writing lol). 
          Anyway, I posted earlier about making a separate account, but I've decided against that. Instead, I've combined my two accounts and the stories (hence the name change if you haven't noticed). I've been really inspired lately, and I've been working on some cool new drafts that I hope to eventually turn into stories. Some stories will be fan-fictions (mostly One Direction related), and some will be regular fiction. 
          For those of you still interested in/reading my stories, and for those of you who just started - thank you so much!!! I sincerely appreciate every read, comment, and vote: you guys are the best!


@ReservedRose please make part 3 to the story. it's amazing and I really need more.


Can I just say that re-reading my old writing is super cringey . Gosh, I’m sorry that 15/16 year old me was such a carrot (and a carrot with poor grammar). 
          Anyway, just wanted to say that I’m considering writing some new stories (possibly on a new account?). If anyone is still even remotely interested, shoot me a message and I’ll keep you updated on the details (and give you my new account, but keep it quiet please - I think I want to start fresh) 
          Hope everyone is doing well and that your 2018 is off to a great start! 


AHHH - what?! I can't believe BFT is finished!!! Check out my final author's note for details, but I'd love some input from you guys: to continue or not to continue, that is the question. 
          As always, thank you so much for everything! I promise I read all of your messages and comments, and I appreciate them all <3


Okay, so I went to stay with some family where there was no cell service or internet (terrifying, I know), and I wrote Chapter Forty Nine of Breathing For This, and I was so proud and super excited because it came out exactly how I wanted.
           But.... when I tried to post it today when I got home, it got deleted off Wattpad - *le sobs*. 
          I contacted Wattpad to see if I could get it back, but if not, I'm going to have to attempt to re-create it. Sorry for the delay, guys. I'm just as bummed as you are.


Wow, Wattpad just reminded me that it's been 3 years since I finished Trembling Hands! I'm in shock over how fast that time went. I was only 15 when I started writing, now I'm 19 and in college. It's crazy. 
          I've been super nostalgic (and nocturnal) lately, so I've been updating Breathing For This more frequently. I hope a lot of you are still reading! I know it's been a while, and I don't usually update too often, but I've worked so hard on this book so far, and I'm really proud of how far I've come as a writer. I actually just re-read Trembling Hands and cringed at my 2011/2012 carrot jokes and horrible grammar lol. I was tempted to re-write/edit it, but I decided to leave it. Trembling Hands is a part of who I was at 15, and I want to leave that as a reminder of my first book. I think just reading the 3-4 years of work between the beginning of Trembling Hands to the most recent part of Breathing For This shows how much my writing has improved.
          Sorry to get all emotional, I'm just so happy to have my motivation to write again. I came back and saw over 200k readers on Breathing For This and I almost cried. Thank you all so much, I really do appreciate every read, vote, and comment!