
I got into db very late and that too because of my brother, when it started airing again in 2022 in my mother tongue.... Didn't like it much when I was 7-8 but later came to understand that it was because of my lack of understanding of the world building there.... Still the news about Akira Toriyama is sad.... Such a renowned mangaka with such a legacy and he's no more..... Well at any rate, I still have to share this to my brother..... Rest in peace sensei...


@RepulsiveKiyo well i also took intrest in db very late, reason is pretty much same. Rip legend (sad emoji)


I got into db very late and that too because of my brother, when it started airing again in 2022 in my mother tongue.... Didn't like it much when I was 7-8 but later came to understand that it was because of my lack of understanding of the world building there.... Still the news about Akira Toriyama is sad.... Such a renowned mangaka with such a legacy and he's no more..... Well at any rate, I still have to share this to my brother..... Rest in peace sensei...


@RepulsiveKiyo well i also took intrest in db very late, reason is pretty much same. Rip legend (sad emoji)


Okay guys I don't want to spoil the emotional experience you would all have felt when watching "I want to eat your pancreas" but I just realised that the name "Yamauchi Haruki" contains the first and last names of the protagonists of that masterpiece movie which left us in tears.


@ItsJustYare  The novel was much better. Or the manga. Should give those a try.


Well, I have had figured it out in the past already. No worries.


@RepulsiveKiyo "but the twist felt like a knife to the stomach" that seems familiar 



That hoe should be put up in a Museum


@RepulsiveKiyo The heel size is a little off.


@RepulsiveKiyo respectfully *woof* *woof*


          I know it's very unimportant to discuss but,
          What happened to Katsuragi's twin sister? Did he not send her a gift in his second year but that's unlikely given how desperate he was to send her a gift in his first year? Ofcourse one might argue that he just wanted to check on her in his first year since it was their first time being separated and it was already established he won't be sending any more gifts due to the no contact policy and how hard it was the first time.
          Honestly it just feels like another plot device Kinu used to showcase Kiyo finding a loophole but then completely forgot about
          P.s. don't expect it to make much sense, it just randomly came to me