
          	nah me and my trip work REAL WELL we love eachother and support eachother I love them very much
          	SHOUT OUT TO: reito_kunn and my other who doesn't have Wattpad 


I need help. 
          My sister NEVER knocks so she walking in on me while I'm like well naked some times she doesn't care. I care. She thinks it's so Funny to scare me and I scream all the time. I've asked her to stop scaring me and that I hate it. She hasn't. How do I get her to stop 


So, I feel like giving up lately. Not sure why? Maybe because I look at all my unfished school work and I feel ashamed and a idoit for not completing it or idk. But I feel like giving up. Maybe running away where no one can find me? Or I'm not sure. I'm not asking for comfort I just need somewhere to tell this stuff call me a idoit for choosing Wattpad but I couldn't care.


@Ren_nii_ we may not know you but we care about you <3 if you ever need to rant about stuff i'll be there for you


@BatteryRoach yeah. And I mean I have so much more to rant on here that I like feel comfortable doing because I can get it off my chest I geuss. And I mean most people don't know me. And and and I can delete it and act as if my feelings never existed 


nah you arent an idiot for this, i sometiems feel like one myself when i manage ti dump my problems to people who dont even know me but i csn’t to my friends who i know so much


Hello hello! So I should've done with a while ago but whatever. Anyways, I read a Bakugou x y/n fanfic. (Hush it doesn't matter with what I read shhhh) So I asked the creater @BLVKOUT if I was allowed to go on with the story because they've completed it. So when I write and post the story all credits go to @BLVKOUT now that I've done that I hope you all look forward to it!


Btw you can find the original fanfic under books ily. 


          sometimes I feel like I should just give up. I feel hopeless and terrible sometimes. And I feel like I should just do better and not be so sensitive about things. I mean I often want to give up on my books because I don't like them very much and I don't even know if people like what I write! As far as i know they're short 1 chapter story's that I barely had motivation to write! I've starting thinking about taking them down and not make another story. I often try and get feedback from some friends but when I do I often feel put down and like what I write just isn't good enough. So I rewrite and rewrite and rewrite! Until I can't write anymore. I feel lost at this point.