
I was going through some photos a picture of mono showed up and my little sister who was sitting in my lap saw and she said who was thats so i told her its mono and went “its nono!” And it was was so cute


this message may be offensive
          Everything was so great in my life I was happy Me and one of my best friends were talking every day I was getting a dog I had marching band to look forward to and now I feel like shit my best friend has been ignoring me for like 5 days and just not said anything im probably gonna quit marching band and I honestly wish i was dead but I won’t do because ever time I think I will I won’t because I think about my friends, mono, and my very best friend charlie even if they probably don’t want to talk to me anymore because why would anyone want to anyway…?


And the suicide hotline ignored my call so im chill right now 


@Talking2TheWall Its not your fault I honestly didn’t even think you would see this i wouldnt have posted it if i thought you might see it because i normally post on your account 


@RenTheRenn love I want to comfort you but I don't know how I'm horrible I know but I love you so much


"I love you. Why, you set my soul on fireee *peck peck peck peck peck* It is not just a little spark, it is a flame. A bog, roaring flame. I can feel it now..."
          ~Tom & Jerry


Hello I think this will be my last post for at least a little while I’m sorry I really am don’t know when I’ll be back back I hope you all have a nice day 


Well that was short lived