
Merry Christmas guys and a Happy New year in advance.
          	I am still alive and kicking and u hope you all are too.
          	Let's not forget the main reason for Christmas and share the love of Christ as we celebrate.
          	I wish uou all success, joy and peace as uou end this year and start a new one.
          	Tale care guys 


Hi guys
          sorry for not posting as promised. I have been having many broken promises for real though, so sorry about that.
          Excuse of the moment; MED SCHOOL.
          It is a beautiful place where doctors are forged and we must go through the invigority process of having classes from 8a m to 8 pm throughout the week. (It's not like I have it every day but you get the point).
          It has been hard my fellow readers but I am overcoming cause I have he has overcome the world.
          Your support is highly appreciated and I am just pleading for your patience and understanding in this trying time.
          I will try to update but it's not going to be as frequent as before.
          God bless


Hi guys!!!  
          Long time no see. Hope you all are fine.
          I am working on the next chapter of 'Nothing holding me down' though I can't expect much cause I just started uni and I have a lot on my plate.
          Don't fear though, I will try to update this week. For those following 'the Forgotten', just now I have also started working on it. It will take a while though, That book uses more mental strain than 'Nothing holding me down'. 
          Well, that is all I have to say. I also think this is a good way to communicate with you all. Please gimme your opinion about this. 
          Have a great day and God bless you all 


I hope you enjoyed my story.


@DragonBH  I will keep reading, reading your book right now.
            Also, solo leveling is my ride or die manhua!!!
            I love it so much and I can't help but marvel at how well you made your book using it's elements. 


@Rella_foxyarts270 thank you. I'm surprised you have heard of Solo Leveling. I hope you keep reading


@DragonBH  yes I did, it's a wonderful book. ☺️
            The way you approached and merged the two animes was wonderful and unique. Can't wait to see how this book goes.
            Keep up the good work author. 


Hi guys, I just want to say that I have successfully published another MHA fanfic called, 'The Forgotten'. Check it out through my profile page and try it out. I really hope you enjoy it and give me your constructive opinions about it. The book is also a crossover of BATIM (Bendy and the ink machine) and Alice in wonderland. Don't ask how I will do it. check it out. it is quite an interesting story if I do say so myself. 
          Take care of yourselves and God bless you all.❤️


um hi, guys, sorry for spacing out and all. just had to put my head straight.
          I'm here to announce my new book...
          its a BNHA fan-fic and all. I'm doing this for fun and to make sure my skills stay sharp. 
          the updates aren't going to be frequent but I'll try.
          the name of the book is;
          'Nothing Holding Me Down'
          and is going to come out around the end of this month.
          Let's say... 25th or 26th I guess ‍♀️ i just know it's going to be before this month ends or exactly the ending of this month.
          Anyway, see you till then,
          stay safe and God bless y'all!


          Its Zee shaa
          How are you?