
Sorry that I spammed y'all with posts XD Haven't been active here in a hot second.


If any of y'all are looking for art commission for ship art, profile, or just or your Oc's. I have my commission open and have a special running at the moment for flat colour bust drawings. You can ask more about this if you're interested on Instagram. If you'd drop a follow that would also be appreciated ^-^


Thanks for the votes on 27 Dreams♥ I hope you could wait for the update and enjoy it so far♥
          Also, don't be shy to tell anything about that book as I am trying to grow as a writer♥
          Thanks again and have a nice day♥♥


(I got this from @Red_Otaku_Fan,so i'll do the same)
          Who are those 18 friends you treasure in your life?
          May only those 18,just like i did.
          Let's see how many massage you get back!
          ~Start Sending~
          Be honest! Only 18!
          I'm giving you a tight hug because today is world friend's hug day!


            //Glad to hear ^^


@WolfyFluffy aaaawwww!!!!! Thanks Fluffy(^ω^)you made my morning.


So.... Every single time that I want to post my next two chapters, wattpad is an arsehole and takes forever to save, resulting in no save and me being very angry.... Wattpad, get your shot together!
          So I just had to rant, I'm feeling quite frustrated with it...-_-'