
Hey Guys!
          	I made a new cover for ARTD  so maybe go check it out?


Hey, Guys!
          So I just wanted to inform you that this week I would not be able to upload a new chapter.Mainly, because I am going to another city over the weekend so there might be low chances of me having wifi.Also, I am travelling this whole week so the next week I'll update one chapter.There won't be any skips after this.But please just understand me, and forgive me for not being able to upload a chapter this week.
          Thank you so much


@RecklessLassie you better not skip..... 


Hey guys!
          So im back! Yup finally and back witha new story.
          Now,I deleted the previous stories because they were teen fics and i came to know that they really weren't my kind of thing? 
          Anyways i have a new story A RACE TO DEATH  so go check it out!
          Chapter 1 has been updated


Hey guys!
          I might not be able to update this Sunday because I have a lot planned for this chapter and want to make it as long as possible.I feel that Over Again is going  by very slowly so I decided to write longer chapters,having more going on.And so the update will be next weekend.
          I hope you guys understand


Heeeeello beautiful sexy people!
          And yes I stole Marcus butlers line!
          Just wanted to let you guys know that the new chapter of my book OVER AGAIN is up!
          Tell me your thoughts on the chapter in the comments section and maybe vote?