
Hi guys!! 
          	I know I haven’t updated in a while. So thank you all for being patient while I get into another new routine with being home. I’m hoping to start writing again this week and find some motivation so I can update next Friday for you guys. It was my birthday yesterday!! Now 19, and lots of things are going to change for me, so bare with me while I figure things out (: I haven’t been editing Only you at all and only have been trying to finish Only Enemies. 
          	Because once I am done with Only Enemies I will be working on getting all three books traditionally published. As in. Yes there will be paperbacks. But I will not start any of that until Only Enemies is complete, and then I’ll edit all three books like crazy which means there will be so so many changes!!! I promise not to change so much to the point where they are totally different but I want all three books to be better than they are now. Then after that I will be writing Only Temptation (Lydia and Enzo) and then after that, I’ll be writing the fifth and final book of the series. I haven’t revealed the characters yet, but you guys can take a couple guessEs.
          	Hints: he was mentioned twice in Only You and once Only Layla. He have NOT met him. And his initials are E.D. 
          	Have a great day my loves!! I’ll see you guys next Friday with an update <33 


Your most welcome and thank you so much ❤️


ahhh happy belated birthday! all the love and wishes to you  take all the time you need to adjust to your routine 


Hi guys!! 
          I know I haven’t updated in a while. So thank you all for being patient while I get into another new routine with being home. I’m hoping to start writing again this week and find some motivation so I can update next Friday for you guys. It was my birthday yesterday!! Now 19, and lots of things are going to change for me, so bare with me while I figure things out (: I haven’t been editing Only you at all and only have been trying to finish Only Enemies. 
          Because once I am done with Only Enemies I will be working on getting all three books traditionally published. As in. Yes there will be paperbacks. But I will not start any of that until Only Enemies is complete, and then I’ll edit all three books like crazy which means there will be so so many changes!!! I promise not to change so much to the point where they are totally different but I want all three books to be better than they are now. Then after that I will be writing Only Temptation (Lydia and Enzo) and then after that, I’ll be writing the fifth and final book of the series. I haven’t revealed the characters yet, but you guys can take a couple guessEs.
          Hints: he was mentioned twice in Only You and once Only Layla. He have NOT met him. And his initials are E.D. 
          Have a great day my loves!! I’ll see you guys next Friday with an update <33 


Your most welcome and thank you so much ❤️


ahhh happy belated birthday! all the love and wishes to you  take all the time you need to adjust to your routine 


Dear author 
          I don’t want you did to meyour book “only you” is the bast thing I ever read I right now in the chapter death and I literally couldn’t stop my tears  now every time I walk around my house or do something my mind is wrapped around Alex  its like I lost him irl 


          Where is this weeks chapter, this book is currently my life support. I will not be able to breathe until you post a chapter. (Jk, no pressure and take your time). I just really love this book 


@Realjazelle I was just  joking, please do take your time and thank you for your efforts. You're truly gifted with your amazing writing skills  :) 


Hi sorry for the late reply. I haven’t been on Wattpad. I’m hoping to get the chapter done soon. I haven’t had much time to write this week as usual. But thank you for being understanding <33 


Hi guys I just wanted to come and say to let me know if you guys are having any difficulties having access to the new chapters. I have had a few people message me telling me they couldn’t see it. If this problem continues I will have to contact Wattpad. I have been having some technical difficulties on my own with trying to upload chapters and it’s really annoying me. I put a lot of hard work into my writing and it quite literally pisses me off when I come on here to update after hours and days of writing and I have to go through challenges just to do so. I don’t ever want the technical difficulties to make me want to step away from Wattpad because that’s the last thing I’d ever want to do. I’m going to try and get all these problems fixed and hopefully Wattpad will help me. 
          Hope your all well loves. <3 


You guys are not ready for the next chapter. 
          Over 5,000 words of smut and I’m not even done writing it yet…… 
          I am warning you now to prepare. And definitely don’t read in public….. LMAOOO 
          This is definitely the most smuttiest book I’ll probably ever write. 
          Also just fell in love with Alessio like 10x harder. 
          Anyway have a great day and I’ll see you guys Friday or Saturday with an update. Depending on when I finish the chapter. (: hopefully Friday. 




You guys are not ready for this update on Friday. 
          Or do you guys want the chapter now??? 
          If I published it now you guys wouldn’t get the other one until next Friday…… 
          Are you guys willing to wait that long because it did end with a cliffhanger. 
          One you guys probably have all been waiting for after 21 chapters….. 
          Yes. No? 
          Let me know and I might just be updating tonight. 


this message may be offensive
@Realjazelle nooo its okay I js wanted an update before I go back to school and shit


@7mraforlife just updated now, sorry love I’ve been on the road and haven’t been able to get wifi to update (: 


Girly where is the update

          Hey sorry to interupt here , but I am a new author and i will appretiate it if you can plz have a look at my page and follow it ❤