
          	Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone, sorry for my late response on this. Hope you all had a great time.
          	No Holiday Chapter obviously, sorry, but good progress on them has been made.
          	Thank you for you time and patience.


          Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone, sorry for my late response on this. Hope you all had a great time.
          No Holiday Chapter obviously, sorry, but good progress on them has been made.
          Thank you for you time and patience.


          Good News. So I’ve planned out roughly 5 chapters for The Necromancer Hero and My Little Hero. I’m in the process of writing and review a chapter for The Necromancer Hero, and after that is done I will potentially be doing the chapter for My Little Hero.
          Bad News, the rest of my stories I’ve been reviewing and determined that potential rewrites or restructuring of the stories are in order. Partially due to my own distaste for the story as they are, and lack of overall popularity.


@ReactedClown Alright, no problem, take your time as long as you need it.


          We are slowly but surely making progress on my stories. Thank you all for your patience and continued support through this long dry spot. 
          I can safely say I’m no longer really feeling writers block, I’ve just been very busy with work and traveling.
          I’ve been working on writing several chapters ahead and editing them slowly.
          Again I appreciate you all. Thank you.


Are you going to update your stories 


@spencer0640 I am currently working on my stories. I had a few setbacks with several chapters on Necromancer Hero being overwritten before I made a back up, and that put a damper on my motivation, but have nearly rewritten everything I lost that was in development.


this message may be offensive
          Holy shit it's September.... Wtf have I been doing.... Mix of writers block and work. I feel bad for the lack of updates, and I really want to write, but when I sit down and do it I have been struggling to feel good about my writing. I really really want to write too, so It sucks not being able to enjoy it as much. Don't worry though I don't plan on canceling or stopping anything. Just simple asking for more patience and thanking you all for having it for me.