
Posted something to take out my ideas and hope  that some of you can take inspirations from my idea and create a story out of it 


Who here agrees with me that the loki series is just like fate grand order with the time travel shenanigans.


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@Aeon_Hunter a loki x fgo huh...... Skadi, brynhildr and the Valkyries will lose their shit if that happens


@raymundi Don't know about that boss but if it is then why not make a story about it? Oh wait never mind


I'm planning a new book this is the teaser.
          Allmight: "I'm sorry kid you can't be a hero without a quirk. You can either be a police or a fireman those are still honorable jobs. It's okay to dream kid, just make it realistic."
          Izuku:'so that's it huh even my idol rejects me. Maybe I'll follow your advice kaachan. I'm sorry mom I'll be out of your life now.'
          As midoriya jumped a red and white blur swooped in and saved him.
          ???:"What are you doing kid? I know the world is shitty but why are you going to jump?"
          Izuku:"m-my idol rejected me because I'm quirkless." As izuku awaited the belittlement and laugh, it never came.
          ???:"go on."
          Izuku:"s-so i t-thought I'll just die and rid this world of another trash."
          ???:" You can't be a hero? Who decided that. You're a trash? Who decided that. You are only going to be what you decide. So you're quirkless and wanted to be a hero then you need to train harder than anyone else. The fact that you're quirkless makes you more human than others. Remember that, weelll it's nice to stay and chat but I'm still in my patrol. Here." Hands midoriya his address and number.
          Izuku:"w-what is this sir?" Izuku asked not knowing what to do.
          ???:"call me or go to that address when you want to be trained to be a hero. Don't worry I'll train you personally."
          ???:"I don't know maybe i see myself in you or just cause you have a massive untapped potential. Later kid"
          Izuku:"S-sir! What's your name?"
          ???:*smirks* " I'm the falcon.......


@Otter875 one can only hope


@raymundi yes what is the ship, please Izuocha