
Hello!!! Unfortunately, I will not be on for as little while due to my computer being sick.... again! I will not be writing or responding to comments for some time so please do not take it personal!!! I love y'all!! I will update when I have bribed my computer into coming back to work lol


@Raven_DarkHeart NOOOOO XD
          	  We are here for you always (in spirit) during these dark times.


Hello!!! Unfortunately, I will not be on for as little while due to my computer being sick.... again! I will not be writing or responding to comments for some time so please do not take it personal!!! I love y'all!! I will update when I have bribed my computer into coming back to work lol


@Raven_DarkHeart NOOOOO XD
            We are here for you always (in spirit) during these dark times.


I would really appreciate it if most of you read this message (and shared it if you can).. 
          I just wanted to take the time out of my day to square some things up.. As a 15 year old inspired writer I have experienced many people belittling me and dumbing me down based on my age. I can see that a lot of people think that just because of my age I must be foolish or ‘too young to simply understand’. I get completely overshadowed and overlooked by a surprising number of people and honestly I am tired of this. I am writing this for all of the ‘atults’ that seem to think that wattpad ‘is not for kids’ and those that think because we are too young that our writing will portray that. It doesn't. I have read SO many young writers (some younger than me) that have pure talent. I am simply asking that you give OUR feelings, opinions and works a chance to be heard. Stop trying to teach us when we don't ask for it, stop giving your negative and rude opinions out when what we are doing is none of your business. If you don't like it then stop checking our pages and works out. Just move on.
          Thank you.             
          Also thank you to the supportive and kind people that have inspired me to go on with my writing journey. Thank you @WendyyWolfe @Kodbro @EtiGendler @DreLeonWrites @JackWmiller @CeresRaylight @wmoore85 and that is just to name a few.


@EtiGendler Thank you!!! <333 And you're welcome = )


@Kodbro That is completely true!!! I just wanted to finally tell ppl how I feel because A LOT of ppl are so mean and so unappreciative of true art, they just take overlook raw talent.


@Raven_DarkHeart You're amazing- never let anyone get you down! I believe that young writers should not be pushed aside, but helped to grow and learn so that, when we're older, we can be even greater.
            Don't let the comments go to your head and PLEASE keep writing!
            (♥And thanks for the shoutout!♥)


This is a spoiler.... But I am trying to hook readers..  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
          So here we go: 
          Chapter Six
          Part Two
          One Century ago 
          Modrorrud Zendrissorth. He was deemed the greatest king to have ever lived. His power, his armies, his reputation unmatched by those before him, and those long after him. Known for his mercy upon all the kindred, his reign was a golden age, marked by peace and prosperity, his wisdom and strength casting a long shadow over Druzatria.
          But eventually, all good things come to an end. Peace always comes with a cost, some greater than others. 
          Dezenym stood before the edge of a sharp cliff, wind whipped around him, carrying with it the distant roars of dragons. Below, the valley stretched out like a tapestry filled with the Ebony, Crimson, and the fiery gold of dragon scales.
          The valley of Dragon blood marked the outline of the Dragonkin territory, leading into the sky kingdom, Ouwragon.   
          Link to my book: 


@Raven_DarkHeart Just accepted your Discord invite! XD


@EtiGendler You should be!! It is an amazing book!!!


Ahhhhh! Ty Ty! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Girlllllll, you rock! You're a superstar!


@WendyyWolfe <333 I guess we are both superstars!!!!!! <33


@WendyyWolfe Girllll I don't know who you are tryna fool!! You're the superstar!!!! <333333


Hello my fellow wattpadians!! I would like to introduce ya'll to my little brother @Max-is-awesome!! Please give him some support and give him a follow it would mean the world to him!! He is new to wattpad so I would love it if ya'll could give him some love, Thank ya'll!!!! <33


@EtiGendler That is so funny!! Yes his name is Maximus, max for short