
          	I wanted to get your opinion on something, if you could pick one of my books that is currently posted which one is your favorite? Let me know!


Hey everyone,
          I just recently found out that my grandfather is not doing very well. I know I haven’t been updating lately but I need to spend time with my family at the moment. I will be updating at some point. Thank you so much for your support!


            Bless you.
            Family & health ALWAYS comes first.
            Sending you & your family my thoughts & prayers.


My Little Readers,
          I am so sorry that I haven't been updating. I recently found out that my grandfather is not doing good. He was recently put in a nursing home, and I haven't had a chance to update.  Again, I am sorry, once I get the chance I will update.


Hi everyone, PLEASE READ
          So as some of you have noticed, I haven't been updating as much.  I have been struggling with my mental health situation and have been having a difficult time in getting inspiration to write in my books. Luckly I am getting better and will hopefully be updating soon. I do have a thought that I am playing with that I may want to make into a new fanfiction. But until then I just want to take my time in updating. BUT I WILL BE UPDATING. Your guy's encouragement means the world to me and makes me feel so much better. So, thank you for your feedback and support, and once again I am sorry about not updating.  But keep your eyes peeled for my next update no matter what it may be.


            You take the time you need to feel better. Your health comes first.
            My thoughts & prayers are with you.


My Little Readers,
          I am so sorry that I have been ghost these last few weeks, I have been under a lot of stress these last few months, but these last few weeks have been the worst of it. I also wish to review which books seem to be getting the most views and go back through and make them better. I don't plan to discontinue any of my books, but I don't wish for any of them to suffer. So, once I am able to get my stress levels under control I will be starting back up on my updating. One of my plans to help with stress levels is to have a certain day I update a certain book. I will be continuing to update every other Saturday, and every other Saturday will be a different book update. So, I ask you all to let me know which one of my books is your favorite. Whichever one has the most buzz will be the first one updated. And thank you all for your support!