
I really want Hu Tao. Though I don't think I'll ever get her because of my luck. 


@Random_person567 she is very waifu material.


♡Beautiful/Handsome person award♡ 
          ♡You are a beautiful /handsome and amazing♡
          ♡Don't let rude people get to you♡
          ♡Post this on eight people who you think deserve the awards message boards♡


@FoxLover5017 Happy Thanksgiving to you too!^^


@Random_person567 Np :3 Happy thanksgiving 


So, I'm gonna be making a zodiac story, and I was wondering if one of y'all could help me. Like, make the storyline, have some original names than just the zodiacs, their appearance, their personality, and also some relationship. You can also pm me. Also, I don't wanna make any mistakes on my grammar since most of the time I wouldn't even realize my mistake. So, yeah that's all. 


I want you to know that your an amazing person 
          If i dont get this back I understand
          But i (And this challenge as a whole) have a game for you
          Once you have read this message you must send this to 15 people
          If you get atleast 3 back your are loved 
          If not Jesus still love you (We dont want to discourage anyone)
          Nobody realizes how important something is until they lose it
          Tonight 11:59 PM the person you love will realize they love you
          Then at 1:00-2:00 PM get ready for the biggest shock in your life
          If you break this you will have bad luck
          With love send this to 15 people
          If you dont you will turn ugly (in other people eyes)
          A friend told me about this and told me to do it
          Tomorrow 2 people will ask for your number
          Send this to 15 people or bad luck will find you for the whole year
          Started: @hinnywasneverathing1