
Two updates in Satataharitam. One's a random brothers' piece with a massive title :') 
          	The other one is for Sita, titled "रामप्रिया" in the Devanagari script particularly because I already have another chapter titled Ramapriya in English ;') 
          	Gosh the things I do- 


Hello. Thank you for what you said earlier. Yes, I saw it, but I didn't know what to say. But thank you anyway. You're the one person I told, because I trust you. And thank you. Sorry I'm bad at articulation. Thank you a lot. I don't know if I'll be here for a while, because interactions are annoying now.
          *On a side note, this private messages deletion is aggravating.


@ArreyyYaar Sia, it's okay! I'm bad at articulation too, so again I don't know what to say. I understand interactions are annoying, it's okay! But when you want to come back, I'll be here. (if you have a discord account or something for private messaging, we can do that. If not, that's okay too)
            Anyway, our MBs are here. It was stupid to delete PMs. The stupidest thing ever. But when you feel like coming back, we can talk here too <3


Two updates in Satataharitam. One's a random brothers' piece with a massive title :') 
          The other one is for Sita, titled "रामप्रिया" in the Devanagari script particularly because I already have another chapter titled Ramapriya in English ;') 
          Gosh the things I do- 


Slightly ridiculous but I've updated another Satataharitam chapter- 
          I'm hoping you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it! 


@Ramayana_lover Currently taking a break from Wattpad due to hectic school schedules. Will return soon!


An update in Satataharitam! 


@AbiMohan2 you know it's actually giving me life too. It's our Jeevadhara in the photos T-T <3 


@Ramayana_lover your pfp is giving me life 