
Hola, everyone! I know I haven't been writing new stories this past year or so but it's been really crazy. However, I hope to start writing again soon and might hopefully have a story up by the end of the month but no promises. I hope you're all well. Xx.


@TheMiraculousJazzy thanks, that's a very nice compliment!


@Rainbow-Rocker that’s great I think I may start reading your stories they seem interesting 


Hola, everyone! I know I haven't been writing new stories this past year or so but it's been really crazy. However, I hope to start writing again soon and might hopefully have a story up by the end of the month but no promises. I hope you're all well. Xx.


@TheMiraculousJazzy thanks, that's a very nice compliment!


@Rainbow-Rocker that’s great I think I may start reading your stories they seem interesting 


Hello Everyone! How are we all on the run up to the holidays! As I'm sure some of you are aware, I've recently finished my first ever trilogy- The Legat series! Raxus, Carlac and Onderon. Anyway, in the New Year, I wish to start another story, single or part of a series. Please just reply to this by typing in the number that corresponds with the story you want.
          1) An Anisoka Father/Daughter fic where it's set in a secondary school and Anakin is Ahsoka's new tutor. Includes Luxsoka and Anidala, maybe Obitine. Single story unless sequel demanded.
          2) A duology of books that's based on my school years and classmates. Obviously events, location, people and anything else won't be exact. Adventure, school and friendship.
          3) A Sonamy fic set at a filming studio and Amy is Junior set designer and Sonic is an interning learning actor. Shadaze and many OCs'. Includes all the characters from number 4 but with obvious tweaks. Basically a fic of a fic, both written by me. Single tale unless sequel wanted.
          4) At it's surface is a Sonamy fic but goes beyond that. My precious project. A story I've developed for four years! Includes many OCs'. Probably the one I'd most look forward to writing but also the one that I'd be the most nervous to write in case you didn't like it. Family, adventure, friendship, romance, action, magic, extremely complicated but also really awesome storyline. Complete series, many, many stories included.
          5) A My Little Pony fic centered around Equestria Girls Rainbow Dash. Includes the other main six/ seven/eight members as well. Story I came up with years ago and recently came back to, I believe it has the power to do well. Doesn't necessarily have any romantic ships. Single standing, unless sequel requested.
          Please vote and let your opinion count. You have until New Year's Day. Otherwise I'll just chose. Again, hope you enjoyed my first trilogy. Adiós.


@Rainbow-Rocker Congratulations on finishing your first trilogy!                                                     
             Maybe 1 or 2.