
Hey every one.. So I know I've been in and out of wattpad lately and I'm gonna try and update and maybe even get my new book out there but right now I've got a lot of depressing junk going on and probably the only good thing in my life is my boyfriend and my siblings so I'm gonna try to be on more often to escape my crippling depression


Hey every one.. So I know I've been in and out of wattpad lately and I'm gonna try and update and maybe even get my new book out there but right now I've got a lot of depressing junk going on and probably the only good thing in my life is my boyfriend and my siblings so I'm gonna try to be on more often to escape my crippling depression


Hey everyone, I may not update for a while. I will write chapters occasionally but I just can't find the emotional capacity to publish anything let alone think of anything because one of my friends committed suicide this morning and I just found out so I just need some time away from everything but if I do any other chapter for any of my books they'll probably be really depressing or have a lot of timeskips..maybe both idk but for rn I'm gonna take a break so bye for now and I love all of you


My Tom Riddle x Reader fan-fiction has just been posted, week the first part of it. I'll be posting another chapter shortly(in maybe thirty minutes) I should like to have everyone know that all credit for the characters and anything to do with the Harry Potter series is purely the genius of J.K. Rowling herself. I simply made a fan-fiction because I live for the series and Took Riddle is by far in the to three as fav characters go. I hope you enjoy, sincerely- RainEgyptianWolves