
Okay so clearly I had a quarter life crisis. Thank god that I didn't delete my Hunters book cause yea. The last few weeks....oh my gosh. Anyways, I hope I haven't lost all my readers :((((((
          	The Hunters book is back and staying for the final time, I will be finishing it


Okay so clearly I had a quarter life crisis. Thank god that I didn't delete my Hunters book cause yea. The last few weeks....oh my gosh. Anyways, I hope I haven't lost all my readers :((((((
          The Hunters book is back and staying for the final time, I will be finishing it


Hey y'all! I want to apologize for basically ghosting this platform completely for 4ish months. A lot of issues have come up in my personal life since the new year that includes but is not limited to: school, friends, family, writers block, etc.. I'm so sorry for all my readers that have been waiting for chapters on my stories and I'll try to get a couple out today. But yeah that's it, I'm doing way better now and I hope y'all have a great day/night!!!


@Alextheslayer123 Don't apologize, your mental/personal health is always more important than social media :)


@Alextheslayer123 No problem, also, I'm glad you're doing better! :D


WOOOOO! New book my lovely readers! Please check out Hunters! It's my new Dreamnoblade book and I hope you all enjoy the book! Also props to this person who voted on the chapter literally a second after I published it. <333333


@Alextheslayer123 I'm on Wattpad pretty much 24/7 and click instantly when I get notifications-


Heeyyyoooo its one of many fannsss, im doing the alt ending thing and is there anything that you like wouldn't want in it? I have limits too just ya know :3 cuz you are the brilliant author in the first place it seems right to ask


@one_of_many_fans def all credit to ya :D annddd...oh XD uhhhhh, i think i needa re write then.... aauauahahueywhkwnw its fineee yeaaaahhhh? ;w; their finneeeeeee yeaaahhh?


@one_of_many_fans  awww thanks for asking. The alt ending would be super cool, just don't hurt any of them to much, only slight torture if you decide....yk yk. Just make sure to @ and credit me <33333


I just read your books and im already in love with them! Keep up the good work author!


@Drawmioneandhinny awwwwww thank you. That means a lot that you enjoyed them <33333333


I swear to god that people at my high school are really bad at something that I like to call 'hallway etiquette'. These guys really just stop in the middle of a BUSY hallway and I almost fell because of them. It's not my fault I'm so short. Also people be blocking the bathroom doors and just casually talking like they're not inconveniencing ANYONE. People are so bad this year, last year and the years before they were fine. This is what I get........people these days  -_-