
I am back online and writing up a storm. I will be sharing more stories as the days go on. There will be three parts to every story and then a link to read them on another platform. This is because those sites pay me per view, and this is the career I am attempting to build. Please help support me in this endeavor so that I can devote more time to sharing my stories with you. Thank you and Happy reading.


I am back online and writing up a storm. I will be sharing more stories as the days go on. There will be three parts to every story and then a link to read them on another platform. This is because those sites pay me per view, and this is the career I am attempting to build. Please help support me in this endeavor so that I can devote more time to sharing my stories with you. Thank you and Happy reading.


Sorry it is taking so long to update, I just haven't had time to get more chapters up on Burned to Beta. I have more ready and will post more soon.
          Also, stay tuned because I have a list of more stories to post I just haven't typed them out. I prefer to write with pen and paper before I turn to the computer.
          Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my work.