
Well... I have good news and bad news. The bad news? Lately, I've tried to post every two weeks, so tomorrow I should have a new chapter to post. I've been trying. Trying to the tune of over 4600 words, but the chapter IS NOT WORKING. It's just not. It's not going where I feel like it should, and the more I try to salvage it, the worse it gets. I'm going to scrap probably 95% of it. Which hurts... I HATE scrapping chapters. So, the bad news is that I'm not going to have a chapter to post tomorrow.  The good news? If I can get out of my head, I think this chapter will see Killian unleashed. Right now, he's more cinnamon roll and less feral Alpha. Like many of you, I'm ready to see Feral Killian. Cinnamon roll Killian can come back in a bit. I need to stop thinking and just write what I see in my head. Write what I feel and not what I THINK. I'm going to get my head on straight and work on this chapter so that it's right. Right for the story and right for the characters. Apologies for no chapter this week, but I think we'll all be better for it. Hopefully, next weekend but more likely the weekend after. Thank you all for being patient with me while I give myself a stern talking to and get on with the program... ahem... .


@BookPiglet Thanks!!  One time, I had to go back and correct something like that after I posted it. I HATED it! You're very welcome for the update!!


@RaevynLondon Better to be happy with your work, than go back and have to change it later when it's taken you in the wrong direction.  
          	  Thank you for the update, keeping people informed, helps a lot.


@RaevynLondon <3
          	  I'm sure it will be wonderful when you are ready to post it :)


Well... I have good news and bad news. The bad news? Lately, I've tried to post every two weeks, so tomorrow I should have a new chapter to post. I've been trying. Trying to the tune of over 4600 words, but the chapter IS NOT WORKING. It's just not. It's not going where I feel like it should, and the more I try to salvage it, the worse it gets. I'm going to scrap probably 95% of it. Which hurts... I HATE scrapping chapters. So, the bad news is that I'm not going to have a chapter to post tomorrow.  The good news? If I can get out of my head, I think this chapter will see Killian unleashed. Right now, he's more cinnamon roll and less feral Alpha. Like many of you, I'm ready to see Feral Killian. Cinnamon roll Killian can come back in a bit. I need to stop thinking and just write what I see in my head. Write what I feel and not what I THINK. I'm going to get my head on straight and work on this chapter so that it's right. Right for the story and right for the characters. Apologies for no chapter this week, but I think we'll all be better for it. Hopefully, next weekend but more likely the weekend after. Thank you all for being patient with me while I give myself a stern talking to and get on with the program... ahem... .


@BookPiglet Thanks!!  One time, I had to go back and correct something like that after I posted it. I HATED it! You're very welcome for the update!!


@RaevynLondon Better to be happy with your work, than go back and have to change it later when it's taken you in the wrong direction.  
            Thank you for the update, keeping people informed, helps a lot.


@RaevynLondon <3
            I'm sure it will be wonderful when you are ready to post it :)


I love all your books so far, but I’m having trouble finding “Ruled by the Alpha” and “Alphas freak show”. What platform can I read them on???


@curlyheadeddream They were published in anthologies that are no longer available. I keep meaning to update those pages, but then I get distracted and forget. Both of my stories from there will eventually get re-released on their own once I have energy to devote to expanding them.


Okay... second post for today, but I wanted to write one to address a comment that was left on my feed about Alpha Lost. I know that not every story is for every person. There are plenty of stories that I have dnf'd because it just wasn't for me, but I still respect the time, ability, and passion it takes to put your words out there. I will tell you that despite the TONS of love that I get from my readers that comment shook me at first. I contacted some writer friends of mine, a WattPad friend, and I cried a bit. Imposter syndrome is real, and I've been trying to write more consistently so I was afraid it would derail my progress. My writer friends reminded me of some basic truths, and I put on my big girl panties and moved on. One friend suggested I frame it, and eventually, I probably will. BUT now, I want to frame the responses to that post that some of you have left. I don't want to engage with the original poster - and this is not a subtle way to get more posts on her comment. She has her opinion and that's all it is. I have the proof that there are people out there who enjoy what I have to offer. So for those of you who take the time to leave  comments on my feed or in the stories, thank you so much!  I try to read and respond, even if it's just a heart, to every comment. I welcome constructive criticism, and I think if you've read the comments that shows. If you see a plot problem, or a typo, or whatever, I welcome those comments. I appreciate each and every one of you, but the comments on that one particular post have also made me cry... happy tears. I ❤️ you all. Thank you for reading and sticking with me.  Oh... and just for a teaser... the next chapter is over 6400 words.


@daniafu Thank you so much!! Sometimes I look back to when I first started posting, and it's like - that's it's been so long!


Your writing is something I keep coming back to over and over. I have found it EXTREMELY hard to find anything else that does it for me in this genre like your writing does. It's so unique and actually amazing and I've been rereading all the parts over over for YEARS. You have lots of us behind you honey. Don't forget that <3


New chapter posted! It's not a double posting weekend, I'm afraid, but I hope you enjoy it!


@RaevynLondon   YAY!!!!!    Love your stories!!!!!!!!


          BY: RaevynLondon
          Well I am not exactly sure how I feel about this book. The writing and grammatical issues are plagued throughout. I am not sure what kept my attention. The story was unusual and had an unusual spin on the typical werewolf story. I am surprised I continued reading through the end. I can say I finished but it is not something I would recommend. I can say I have absolutely no desire to read the “next” book, I am actually surprised there is even another. I am still shaking my head over this book. Writing isn’t for everyone, so kudos for putting yourself out there. 


New chapter up today, and a second one is coming tomorrow!  I could have posted it today, but I wanted to try out the scheduling feature;) I've been writing, writing, writing!!!


@DeepSouthSwampWitch ❤️❤️❤️back at ya!!!


@ElizabethAnn169 Me too! This is such a slow burn!!!




So... I know you're waiting for the next chapter of Alpha Shield... so am I!  I have it written, but with what's going to happen in my head, I'm not sure if that chapter fits AT ALL so I'm working on the next chapters to see if it makes sense. I HATE having to go back and completely change a chapter after I've posted it, so I just want to make sure it works and has a place before I post it. I actually have three more chapters written, but how they fit or even DO they fit is the question.  I am writing though!!  Promise!  ❤️


I ❤️you all so much. I made it from A to B!  Hopefully, tomorrow I'll have the next chapter or maybe even two posted!


@RaevynLondon  Thank you for the update. And as others have said, your work  is worth  the wait.  Wishing you peace and energy.


@RaevynLondon Sounds good to me. I'd rather have back to back chapter that are good than have one, then have to go back and reread it because it changed. (Unless I'm editing/proof reading)


Posted three little shorts in my Plot Plunnies collection. Enjoy!