
Hey, author! I've come across "Change of Plans" and read through the entire thing. I owe you an apology for spamming your Wattpad notifications with commentary on every chapter - for good reason! I've left out a note of appreciation at the last chapter of it, but I seriously can't stress enough of how wonderful "Change of Plans" was. It was such a simple setting, but you managed to create a wonderful story. Keep writing, keep making stories. If you are, I can't wait to see more from you!


@JoelleSC Awesome! It's on my list, but haven't gotten into it yet. Can't wait to read it soon! 


@JoelleSC Thank you so much for reading, and please don't feel bad about all the comments! I've enjoyed reading them! Many of them made me laugh! I'm so glad that what I wanted to get across in this story came across so well. I've been writing for a long time but never 'published' anything so it's good to have great feedback.
            I have another one published called The Secret Promise (don't know if it's as good as this one, but feel free to give feedback if you read it). It's kind of the same time period but completely different characters. I'm also working on a few more that are almost done and ready to publish. 
            Have a great day! Rachael Running/Author