ok, since finals are done and i have 1 month of vacation before summer classes started, I tried to translate some mtl'ed versions of the story starting with the lady lord of the east, so yeeee, just message me if I have mistakes QAQ


you gotta be kidding me, i cant log my account in my phone because of a bug? And btw, my acc was connected in my facebook, they have got to be kidding me


@ROAH_KILLER_FROST2 and not only that, my books are also gone ftom my library, its supposed to be 1k books, only 44 books remaining??


Hey I saw you posted Lady of the lord of the east but it’s saying page not found? 


Ok thanks goodness I was so panicked when I saw it was gone but now I can breathe easily knowing I just have to be patient 


@1Blessed2 hahaha, I just have to tweek it a little bit, and I wanted to post it more than 10 to 20 chapter but i have a short time in using wifi since there's a limited time for it