I recently got a laptop, I can now learn how to use blender and bring my drawings to life using goo engine which is the anime version of blender.


@REAVER508 good luck! I've been practicing digital art too. The best part is being able to adjust sizes of certain portions and copy pasting if you need two of the same thing


I recently got a laptop, I can now learn how to use blender and bring my drawings to life using goo engine which is the anime version of blender.


@REAVER508 good luck! I've been practicing digital art too. The best part is being able to adjust sizes of certain portions and copy pasting if you need two of the same thing


So I started new game plus for Dying Light 2 on Nightmare difficulty, I've noticed that all of the cutscenes where Aiden gets clocked in the face/shoved got changed to him dodging lethal attacks.
          Which versions of the cutscenes should I implement into Fading Light: REWRITTEN & POLYGAMY EDITION?
          Also the private messages feature will be removed on May 6, so I'll have to communicate with other Authors through discord to plan out what happens in RWBY: DOWNFALL.


@REAVER508 put the dodging ones, it's nice when a protagonist does something about it rather than getting decked in the face and doing nothing, it'll make him seem like less of a pushover


Should I add more special infected zombies as Grimm in my Fading Light stories? I mean the ones from other video games, like the ones I Dead Island 2, etc...


@REAVER508  Yeah you should. Even better, upgrade Y/N's fury mode to control it and have special abilities like scream, slam and acid spit. I've been playing Dead Island 2 recently, so that ability is awesome.


Guns are going to be added to Dying Light 2 soon!!! :D
          I'm having trouble debating which characters to use for Bloody Ties in Fading Light: REWRITTEN, I need characters for Ciro, Abel & Ogar
          And since Tolga & Fatin are returning, I'm also debating which characters to use for them.


@REAVER508 I'm excited to see guns in Dying Light 2. And I can't wait to see Tolga and Fatin again! It's been so long since I've seen them! I can't wait for Aiden to meet them for the first time!


Good news everyone, Fading Light is no longer bugged, I can now add more chapters to it. I plan on reaching the 200 chapter limit before I have to start a new book. Which means I can finally finish volume 7, then start 8 & 9 then wait for Volume 10 to come out (if it does, the odds are 50/50)


Hey Hey People.
          It's been awhile since I posted anything.
          I had to move out of my dad's place and I am currently staying at a shelter and currently helping my dad find a new place, the reason we had to move out was because his lease ran out.
          The place I'm staying at doesn't have wifi, so I barely have time to work on my stories unless I go somewhere that offers it.
          I also might need to start another book for Fading Light (Original) in the future since it's still bugged.


Fading Light (Original) is currently bugged, I keep trying to edit the next chapter but it keeps kicking me out of the story and sending me back main menu of selecting my stories. All my other stories work just fine but every time I go on Fading Light (Original) it sends me back to story selection every time I try to scroll through any of it's chapters.


For Fading Light: REWRITTEN, should Ruby also have the Volatile Fury ability? Or should she have the standard infection level where most people just turn into Virals if they stay in darkness for too long?


@REAVER508 volatile fury ability it will be interesting when she have that