Hi everyone 
          	so if you noticed (which I doubt) I deleted my story Nocturnal, mainly because I didn't like how the story started and I couldn't continue the story knowing I wasn't happy with it so yeah
          	I've decided to rework the story (again, for the 4th time) and hopefully this will be a lot better! stay tuned for the new update coming soon x


Hi everyone 
          so if you noticed (which I doubt) I deleted my story Nocturnal, mainly because I didn't like how the story started and I couldn't continue the story knowing I wasn't happy with it so yeah
          I've decided to rework the story (again, for the 4th time) and hopefully this will be a lot better! stay tuned for the new update coming soon x


Our book Ice Cream Man is so good!!! You are so talented for writing such a unique story! Who would have thought to make characters out of ice cream!!! The story was not only creative, but it was also heart touching and well writen. Keep writing amazing stories!! I also love The Swing too!! 


oh my gosh, sorry this is reaaally late but this made my day thank you so much :) xx you're such a sweetheart