
There is something about writing fanfics on a computer that is so fūckin motivating, like writing on my phone is tiring but writing on my laptop makes me wanna type for hours dawg


Hey y’all I got something really happy to share 
          I’ve told you before that I have anorexia but recently I’ve gained a few pounds! 
          I’ve only gained three but I feel really good about it and I feel like I’m progressing well. 
          This year has been utterly insane for me lol but things are starting to look up!


AWW congratulations my love, that’s three steps in the best direction <3 


Y’all, I got a text from the girl that was the reason that me and my ex girlfriend broke up 
          “(Ex gf) doesn’t wanna talk to you fūck off”. And this was hard as I had just came out to my parents and they didn’t accept me, so in turn I got into a very long argument with her about how she has caused me so much pain and she told me “ well maybe if you would’ve just stepped aside for me to date ex gf this wouldn’t of happened, stop being so selfish” 
          Miss gurl what ✋
          So in conclusion, I’ve had a very interesting therapy session 


@the-writing-girl they also use wattpad lol 


this message may be offensive
Hey guys I’m going to talk about a serious topic that happened to me, I’m going to give y’all a trigger warning, I have two stories for you for the first one this happened to me when I was 14 and the second one happened very recently, I am sharing this with you so you can all be safe and be cautious 
          When I was 14 this random dude added me on Snapchat, he had the same name as my friend and Avery thing so I thought it was him so I added him back, when we started chatting he was already giving off red flags, like one of the fist thinks he told me was his dick size, then later he asked me to send him a nude, luckily it ended there as I blocked him but there is another issue with a different man 
          He was my cousin’s friend and we started chatting, only a week into knowing that guy he had told me that he wanted to have sex with me and how he would do it, I was very uncomfortable but as he was my cousin’s friend, I thought “he can’t be all that bad right?” But sadly I was wrong
          At the time I was in a relationship with my now ex girlfriend and when I told him this he wouldn’t talk to me for a week, and when I was in the process of breaking up with her he got weirdly happy. Then he send me a nude picture of himself and told me that he would an i quote “I’m going to fuck you dumb with this”. I later found out that he did all of these things to my cousin also. 
          I know that not all men are disgusting like this but a great majority of them are and that is what matters, I do not hate all men themselves but their actions. 
          I’m sorry for this being so long but I needed to get this off my chest 


@Pockeysareweebsticks oh my god if anything happens CALL POLICE


@the-writing-girl the worst part is that the second guy knows where I live ;-;


@Pockeysareweebsticks Holy crap I'm sorry you had to go through such horrible things!!! I'll come and beat him up for you - I can't believe there are guys like that who think it's okay to do those kinds of things, like seriously, how the hell do they think it's okay to be so forward and disgusting to someone they just met??!?! UGH SOME PEOPLE 


          Ok so I “woke” up in a hospital and a doctor was like “mrs.Oikawa, you are currently going through labor and we need you to try to say conscious” and I was like 
          Hol up 
          Then I gave birth and everything and the kid LOOKED LIKE ANS EXACT MIX OF ME AND OIKAWA
          Then Tooru came In to the room and started crying when he seen his daughter. “She really has your jade eyes” he said with tears.
          Then I get a time skip thing and it shows Tooru holding Yorokobi (that’s what we nammed her apparently) he was nursing her to sleep and he had the warmest smile on his face. He then looked at me and was like “ you wanna put her to sleep with me? And then when I got over there Yorokobi made grabby hands at me and Tooru looked offended that his daughter wanted me more lol. We then put her to sleep and then me and Tooru went to bed and cuddled the whole night 


@Pockeysareweebsticks OH MY WE LOVE HAIKYUU DREAMS 