
I am starting over. This account is nullified. I can be found at QuillTippedPoet.


Hello, all. You may have noticed that there haven't been any updates to Composium in a while. That's because I've been working on my first attempt at a novel: Rise of Magic - The Queen. It's definately not grade-A writing material, but it's a start, and I'd be stoked if you decided to give it a look-see. Anywho's, thanks for your time. And I'm gonna go back to composium till next week. (I'll be doing every other week Composium and RoM, alternating.)


          Sorry I've been away so long. Actually, it's because I took the plunge working on a novel (can't seem to stop writing it). Because I do all my originals on paper, it might take a while to transfer. Especially because I don't like to post things that I know are in need of editing. Expect one chapter a week, starting this Friday. It'll be called "The Queen," and it's part of a series (the title of which is yet to be decided).


Thanks for voting for my poetry lovely;) have a beautiful day<3


@Thefaultinour46 thanks for the follow! I'd be really happy if you could take a look at my story "Composium"


whoooo! Composium just broke #300 in poetry! Thank you to anyone who's ever voted, commented, or followed! thank you so much!