
Sup, guys! I'm back from hiatus and have finished my book Rush. I will slowly start editing the novel and posting the updated chapters here.


                          *Goodbye, Wattpad*
          After much contemplation,  I have come to the decision to take a leave of absence from Wattpad. My hiatus may or may not be permanent, I haven't decided yet. I will forever be thankful for my followers and having the chance to post my work online. However, I have realized more often than not that this site is a popularity contest. My writing deserves much more than that. My account will be officially deactivated Sunday. I'm sorry that RUSH will not be ended for everyone to see. Thank you for all the love, Texie.


Fall 2018 Update Schedule- 
          Rush- Updated every Saturday and sooner when admissible.
          Hey, guys! It's been a long summer and now I'm still trying to play catch up. My classes have started again which really kills my writing mood but I'm pushing through! Rush is the only story I plan on writing this fall, but, as always, who ever really knows? Keep updated by visiting my profile and checking my bio!


Hey, Y'all! I just wanted to say that I am having a blast writing Rush so far. I think the story is progressing amazingly and I plan on continuing it for a while. As of now,  if I had to estimate that the story will be about 30-35 chapters. Please, please, take the time to check it out, I promise you won't be disappointed! Again, who doesn't love a story with TWO strong female leads? And those who vote or comment will be given a shoutout!


Hey everyone! Check out my new story, Rush. It's about realizing who you are after heartbreak and what happens when that old love has a chance to rekindle. Also....lesbians. who doesn't love a nice love story with TWO strong female leads??? I update either every Monday or earlier ❤❤