
Hi guys,
          	I’m so sorry for being absent for so long but between uni, family drama, getting engaged and also working , this passion project of mine had taken a backseat however I’m so grateful for the support and if I continued writing, what should our couple go through next ? Should their story continue ? Let me know Xx


Hi guys,
          I’m so sorry for being absent for so long but between uni, family drama, getting engaged and also working , this passion project of mine had taken a backseat however I’m so grateful for the support and if I continued writing, what should our couple go through next ? Should their story continue ? Let me know Xx


Heyy!! If time permits, can you please check put my book "Being His Again"? It would mean alot!☺....here....
          Do vote and comment if you like it...❤❤
          I hope im not disturbing you....(:


Hi there, when is the next chapter coming for ‘Loving you’? I saw there was a new book as well which is good but its better to finish thw first one.  Overall, great story 


Hi honey inshallah I’m currently working on it and the good news is the chapter is very nearly finished. Yes I understand. JazakAllah thanks  xx


Salaam to all you wonderful people 
          Eid e Zahra/ Eid e Shuja Mubarak to all
          Inshallah two chapters should be out soon and I promise to be more regular  with my updates x


@sadgopibahu haha JazakAllah thank you so much I totally forgot I’ll be honest but belated Mubarak to you and your family Inshallah and inshallah hoping to update soon xxx


@QueenMazzy bruhhh I was waiting  for your 13 Rajab Mubarak announcement!!! 


@noooriee aww aleikum salaam JazakAllah thank you so much ☺️❤️❤️❤️


Salaam (peace be upon you all/ hi) 
          How are you all? Hope all is well. , I’m really sorry for the increased delay but there should be a chapter out in the next few days as I’m just finishing writing it XX  cheers guys 


Salaam/Peace be upon you/ Hi
          Happy Ramadhan/ Ramadhan Kareem Mubarak to all of you beautiful people! I hope everyone is doing well inshallah (god willing.) I wanted to let you all know formally that I am taking a break from Wattpad to focus on my exams and Ramadhan. I’m not gonna lie, I’m really gonna miss writing but inshallah I’ll be back by early June hopefully.
          Kind Regards and best wishes xx


Salaam/ peace be upon you/ hi to all
          So I’m so sorry for not posting in a while. After my exams and Ramadhan I’m gonna be more regular inshallah I promise. I have uploaded a chapter today so please let me know what you think. Also I still have so many ideas for what I still want to happen in this book but I’m having trouble getting them all done, making it sound good so please let me know what you think should happen next and I may get some inspiration from that. In the mean time, I’ve had an idea for another story that I’m thinking to upload which is a little different to Loving You so please tell me if you would like to see me publish another book on here. Lastly I just wanna thank you all for reading my work, it means the world to me.
          Lots of love to all you lovely people xx 


Also would you like me to include some pictures of the characters or would you prefer to use ya imagination, cause I personally love having the freedom to think about the exact appearance of the characters with the guidelines set by the author but I’ve seen other authors include pictures of their characters so lemme know