
I wanna drop a new book. 
          	This particular book I don't know how I feel about it. And I'm hoping u guys tell me what u think. 
          	Also I want to remove all the other books on my page. I just want to see new things, you know?


@QuaHudson7 when are you deleting the books? I haven't finished yet!


@QuaHudson7 I understand that what the new book about


@QuaHudson7 I understand you completely. I had 34 books on here and took everything down except for 2. I'm trying to finish those out before removing them. I'm sure all your followers are excited to see what you drop next. 


I wanna drop a new book. 
          This particular book I don't know how I feel about it. And I'm hoping u guys tell me what u think. 
          Also I want to remove all the other books on my page. I just want to see new things, you know?


@QuaHudson7 when are you deleting the books? I haven't finished yet!


@QuaHudson7 I understand that what the new book about


@QuaHudson7 I understand you completely. I had 34 books on here and took everything down except for 2. I'm trying to finish those out before removing them. I'm sure all your followers are excited to see what you drop next. 


Hey all!
          Long ass time. Life has been messy but I'm well. 
          I have a few announcements. But first I wanna thank each and everyone of u for supporting me here on the App and off. I wouldn't be where I am now without u guys and I'll never forget that it was u that gave me the confidence to share my work. 
          With work, medical issues from the past year as u all know, life and this hobby that is turning into more, I am having to cut things off my plate. I didnt know the amount of work especially with marketing and networking that went into trying to be a published author and it left me drained emotionally. I wanted to continue writing here but it is not something that's realistic for me right now. I don't want to close the account but it is something I've been thinking about. The only reason I haven't is I know some of u like rereads
          Announcement #2: I am taking down The Pentagon. My editor is expecting the finished book by mid December and I have prioritized finishing the chapters I never got to and cleaning up the script. It will come out March/April. Initially I wanted it to be one book because I feel like it is better experienced as one book but paying readers have strict expectations and romance over 350 pages are usually ignored. Not that I blame them I don't pick up a 600 page romance either. So it will be 2 books. The manuscript is over 150k words so it will be full length books released at the same time. This is for those who have asked me questions about buying it
          (By the way if u have things u want to see in the finished book other than the obvious deflowering scene and other epilogue chapters, let me know and we can discuss)
          BBL and YSOTO will come down but probably after April. My release plan for next year is a little intense and I am just preparing for that roller-coaster
          Those who previously enlisted for the ARCs will be getting whatever book I release next (new book). Otherwise, I wish u all well
          I hope you all understand
          You can ask me anything.


@eringreat11 later this week or the weekend.


@QuaHudson7 hi, when are you deleting the pentagon? I haven't finished it yet


Hey guys!!!
          sorry for posting it here.
          I starter writing my own novel for the first time on wattpad.
          It’s a mystery thriller with added romance.
          There will be twists and turns in every chapter and I promise you’ll want to read the next chapter as soon as possible.
          Check it out here 


Hi hi any updates to if you’re still going to release a sequel to My Wife Julie? 


Hi any update on my wife Julie? Love it


@QuaHudson7 I really liked My Wife Julie


No worries! I just wanted to know if I should check back for it. I just finished the book and noticed it was finished last June. I’ll wait patiently 


Your girl got the best seller banner on Amazon (black fantasy). Go see our little baby and his crown. 
          I'm not smiling, you are! ❤


@MissHRue that's so kind! Thank u! ❤


@QuaHudson7 Congratulations, it's a well-deserved win. Your books are amazing  


@Straightnochaser9 Thank you so much! I'm still shook.