CB ༊*·˚


``   you appear rather…   pale, sir.   are you alright?   ``   the words are concernedly sweet, however, the diviner appraises the other carefully behind his blindfold, finding himself rather curious about the individual before him.


@divnmata ༊*·˚
            Thank you!~ \\  
            Skin crawling pain coursed through each pulsing vein and arteries from his heart and back, the world around him was a complete blur ; he felt like with one wrong movement could  just be the end of him, yet..
            ❛❛ f..ha, I am alright .. ❜❜
            He muttered between clearly held back breaths , resisting his body that wanted to cough out its own organs out; yet he would listen to it's simple request, kneeling and hiding off his pale face in hopes the pressure he now placed on his chest would lessen the pain; should've just taken his dumb medication.


(     red hues watch the corpses fall one by one.  it's not an unfamiliar sight to the stellaron hunter.  he's used to it by now.  all that is left is to see if he will fall like they did,  so he plunges shard sword inside.  once,  then twice.  a thrice is not allowed,  for he feels a hand grab his own.      )


@stellarmara ༊*·˚
            ❛❛  yet what point is there to reach once it stops moving ? Afterall, we do not know if death is as sweet as we picture it to be .❜❜
            He would whisper , watching the wound heal causing a small coo to slip . 
            Taking a tube out , he'd let the blood on his hand seep through, a small amount compared to how much there is, but it'll do him well . 
            Looking back over , he would hum as he spoke, 
            ❛❛ I see you aren't satisfied yet .. wish for more blood to seep ?~ ❜❜


there is no point in allowing this ..  broken shell to keep rising.          (   a shake of his head,  the wounds healing instantly as the flow of blood stops.  once again—  his mortal flesh has weaved itself back together.  how annoying,  blade thinks.     )
            (     eyes stare down at the weapon which he had created for a friend,  then away once more.  the mara inside him wants blood.  wants to take control.  but he doesn't let it.     )


@stellarmara ༊*·˚
            No problem !~\\
            Watching the bloodied shard being removed , his hand would remove itself and move to press against the injury, watching the colour hide away his white gloves and sleeves.
            ❛❛  oh you poor soul .. have it been so hard to sustain everything, that the feeling of relief from life Is now all that you crave ? ❜❜ 
            He would question, eyes never leaving the dull face of the other , the grin dying to become replaced by a soft smile; one of understanding almost. 
            ❛❛ why so defeated ? Surely you just haven't seen the brightness of it ~ ❜❜
            No one has, even Clément himself . 


``   i don’t  —-  ugh…  want any trouble, i swear…!   ``    caelus’ bat materialises in his hand as he swings it to deflect yet another strike from the other, deftly avoiding bodily harm with nimble movements.


@caeternal ༊*·˚
            ❛❛ well, it shan't matter no more, after all, you have seen enough for me to have the need to get rid of you . So sharpen your weapon and fight properly, perhaps then I could..  change my mind!— ❜❜


``   intrude…?   ``   caelus failed to understand.   was this private territory he wasn’t aware of.   another hit is parried with a grunt.    ``   look, if i accidentally trespassed, i didn’t mean to, okay?   ``


@caeternal ༊*·˚
            ❛❛  one to intrude yet claim nothing of wanting trouble , how odd you are to think I would believe that .❜❜
            The man scoffed , a slim smirk forming below the hidden hood , eyes of death rising to lock up in his movement while he continued to attack . 


"⠀you again...   have you not learned your lesson from last time?⠀"


@bloodshound ༊*·˚
            With a grin forming .
            ❛❛ really now ? I'd love to see that , it has been a solid wall since I was last entertained, why not put on a show ~?   ❜❜


" ⠀well,  what did you expect?   just go back.   unless you want things to get a little rougher than last time,   i can definitely entertain you.⠀"


@bloodshound ༊*·˚
            Ty !~\\
            ❛❛  oh my , still so heavy and presistening aren't you ~ ❜❜


"⠀how long have you felt this way?⠀"


@fontained ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
            Thoughts collected and lips pursed , that question always chased his mind ever since the day he noticed how worse it became , but then again ..
            ❛❛ truth be told.. I am slowly losing hope of it ever leaving, so perhaps it is.❜❜
            He finally admits , getting off from his seat to move near the windows , he would stare down at the nation built on all the people's ambitions. 
            ❛❛ I've tried Inazuma and Natlan's medics and barely either of them aided in it going away .. so far Liyue managed to tend me the most — ❜❜
            Yet his words cut short to let a cough slip, covered by his sleeve before he turned over . 
            A thought clicked to his head , enough to cause him to think for a while, muttering to himself before walking over.  
            ❛❛ ...you aren't to tell anyone about this .. I don't wish to cause my father more worries than the ones he already has .. or the medics here , I would be assumed weak and that is enough to tarnish everything I managed to build .. so please.. Cecilion, do not tell anyone ..❜❜
            He would request , a hand reaching to hold the lord's. 


"⠀is this sickness...  incurable?⠀"


@fontained ༊*·˚
            Remaining silent , his eyes gazed aside as his crossed arms firmed their grip . 
            ❛❛ it might .. but I can maintain it just .. I needn't of aid from anyone here , I'll be alright .❜❜