
For those following me who read my story, I haven't updated the story since the very beginning of this year and I feel as if it isn't fair if I just keep on keeping you guys who read my story on hold without any info on when the next update on when it'll come out or why it's taking so long for me to update it itself. 
          	Well, this isn't an announcement to say I'm discontinuing the story (phew..) But I'd like to add that this year has been going pretty rough for me so I've just not had that much motivation so it's just been really hard overall to get myself to write with at least some quality which you guys deserve instead of some half-ass*d work. So um I'm gonna formally take a break now and I don't know when  I'll be ready to write again but when I am, for those who like the story... I hope you can wait patiently. But I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 
          	Thank you for reading


Hey! Long time no see! How've you been? Sending virtual hugs (⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠)⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠)⁠/
          - April ❤️


@bugsies Hii !! It indeed has been quite a while haha. I've been doing alright. There have been lots of downs and ups but I'm hanging on. How have you been? Sending love to you


For those following me who read my story, I haven't updated the story since the very beginning of this year and I feel as if it isn't fair if I just keep on keeping you guys who read my story on hold without any info on when the next update on when it'll come out or why it's taking so long for me to update it itself. 
          Well, this isn't an announcement to say I'm discontinuing the story (phew..) But I'd like to add that this year has been going pretty rough for me so I've just not had that much motivation so it's just been really hard overall to get myself to write with at least some quality which you guys deserve instead of some half-ass*d work. So um I'm gonna formally take a break now and I don't know when  I'll be ready to write again but when I am, for those who like the story... I hope you can wait patiently. But I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 
          Thank you for reading


Aghhh, I just embarrassed myself soo bad!!!
          I’m ded 


@zoanda technically I do, but I also don’t. We used to be family friends back when I was 4 and he was 5 and then we moved to the capital and they moved all the way across to Canada. Apparently he has memories from then but I don’t at all. We reconnected with each other last year sooo technically we’d be internet friends? But also irl friends I dunno. But I might meet this guy next month or smth sooo..... ;-; 


@Purplrkth i wish u luck if u know the person irl


@Myeon-gi @zoanda @bugsies @purplespotlight Its not that serious..... but I umm accidentally sent a picture of myself to someone while experimenting with the hangouts features and its like a horrible picture and... there's no unsend option ;-:




@purplespotlight well, now you do!! Thanks for talking to me btw, it was really nice ^^


@Purplrkth oh I didn't know that myself ...haha 


@purplespotlight this completely diverts the topic, but your responses are so quick hahah


I feel like sh*t


@YoAverageFangurllll ik this isn’t the point if the message but I love your pfp!!


@Purplrkth It will be alright sis. Sh*t does happen, and we have to get over it. #fml is the way to go. Since, if we be truly honest, nobody has lived a life free of worries and crap. Dark and sad times are the ones that tell you that you shine. And after they are gone, there is always a glimmer left. 
            Lublub. You'll get through it!


@anissavids thanks, I’ll try :))