
          I just want to say that I absolutely love your stories that I've read so far, I love Elvis and I've read a lot of his fanfics but I can say that you're the best writer among all the ones I've seen.
          I'm currently reading "Maid in Seattle", I'm almost done with it and I can't wait to start reading another fanfic of yours! 


@PurpleKorea134 Your welcome, i will definitely read that one too 


@IrisSilva104 Thank you!! I'm glad you like my stories. I'm currently working on another Elvis fanfic called "Fame Isn't Everything." 


I'm also loving reading maid in Seattle, I just can't pick a favorite fanfic you wrote, they're all really good and interesting! Please continue to write more Elvis Fanfics!


Hi would you ever right an Elvis x poc fanfic because as a person of color who loves Elvis I haven’t found a single fanfic that relates to be a poc and I really love your fanfic so I was wondering if you would ever consider it


@kavenderlige22 Check out my "Vote for an Elvis Story!!" on my book list. I have an idea in there where Elvis falls for a black girl in the 50s. It's called "Lookin' for Trouble." It's on my list to write. =D


Specifically for black woman


I just wanted to leave a small message on here for you. Your Elvis stories are sooo good and soo well written. I love how each and every one of them have unique plots. It makes things always fun and exciting to read. You are honestly so underrated! I also applaud you for being so quick to update your books, oh my goodness.


@astralheart_ Thank you so much! I'm glad you're liking my stories  I'm obsessed with Elvis, so I don't really write anything else at the moment.


You’re really amazing writer, and I was really surprised when I saw barely any people chat on your thread here, I especially like your Elvis stories. My favorite is Purple Blues. 


@purplerayne58 Thank you so much! This makes me so happy! ❤❤


Please write another Thomas Barrow story. Where he gets romantically involved with one of Cora’s ladies maids. Pair him with Phyillis Baxter. Where he starts falling for her but to cover up his feelings he bullies her like he did in the show and gets jealous when she spends time with Mosley. Then she takes him to Dr Clarkson when he is ill, and Thomas is touched by her kindness. He feels mentally cured with Baxter. Poor Mosley, all the women he liked rejected him, first Anna for Bates, now Baxter for Thomas. Though, in this story, pair him with a female teacher.