
Kay here, guys! 
          	SO, Kenz and I have 100% decided what the final chapter (before the epilogue) is going to be, and I've almost completed it! I just have to edit it, so hopefully it can be up by tonight/tomorrow! 
          	So sorry again to make you guys wait 3+ months (god, I feel awful about that) but it's almost here! Promise, and hopefully it'll be worth the wait!


Kay here, guys! 
          SO, Kenz and I have 100% decided what the final chapter (before the epilogue) is going to be, and I've almost completed it! I just have to edit it, so hopefully it can be up by tonight/tomorrow! 
          So sorry again to make you guys wait 3+ months (god, I feel awful about that) but it's almost here! Promise, and hopefully it'll be worth the wait!


uh hey there
          so i'd been on a wattpad break for months and turns out kenz had dedicated a chapter of 'superhuman' to me and though i am delighted i'm a bit bummed i never got to read it since kenz seems to have disappeared without a trace
          i just wanted to say thank you nonetheless; superhuman was a story i'd really enjoyed ( well the first few chapters anyway)
          -A :)


Hello! Kenz actually just got bored of her old account, and is still here on Wattpad! So anything you'd like to say to her about her old stories and whatnot, ask her here: @InNovember


you guys are both
          talented writers. i'm seriously
          hooked on One Deception. 
          one of the best fan 
          fics I've read. xx
          Love, Tay


We're both incredibly honored by such a sweet comment! Thank you so much for saying so, we're so glad that you like it! :)