
Also thanks for adding PROMISE and The TARN Conspiracy to your reading list. I appreciate you taking the time to check them out. 
          Oh, and if you like The TARN Conspiracy, I have a full cast audio version on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or pretty much anywhere else you can get podcasts. The audio version is totally free. All I ask is that if you like it then you share it. Thanks, and happy reading!


Hey there!
          Thank you so much for adding Daughter of Nox to your reading list. I hope you love it!


@proxima_centauri632 I’m really glad you liked it. DoN was the first book I ever wrote so it’s kind of my baby. There is for sure going to be a sequel, I just have to finish the million other projects I’ve started. Thanks for checking out Freya’s story!


@scottclemons Oh I definitely loved it ! Once I started it I was hooked. I enjoyed Freya's witty character and tribulations, so thank you for sharing them on this plateform !
            P.S : I hope there will be a sequel 