
There has been a malfunction with our bio here on Wattpad. Due to this we are going to be doing a rewrite and will have it back up ASAP! Until then please be patient as we are undergoing an entire makeover as well!


As of 4:22 pm on April 6, 2017, the Ambassador Applications have been closed! We have a wonderful selection of Ambassadors currently, and should any positions on the team open we will let all of you know! Until then, we want to thank you so much for supporting our movement.
          Yours Truly,
          Sadie Ann


Would you like to be one of our Ambassadors? How about one of our Movement Readers? Well, now you can! Just take a look at our book 'All You Need to Know About #ProjectEmpowerment' and see how you can apply today!
          Not the type? Well, you can also support our movement by placing your book into the running for The Empowerment Awards! The information on that can be found in our book called 'The Empowerment Awards' learn how to join today!
          - The Project Empowerment Team


@yamilethl We will be sending out emails to the ambassadors soon!


like the idea behind this, good luck in the future <3
          (if you're in search of ambassadors i could be one)


@sunlily- We really appreciate your support of our campaign! If you would like to be an Ambassador we had explained all of it in the official campaign book, and we have provided the link to the application in our bio! We would love to have you on board!
            - Sadie Ann