
I have yet again reached a ceiling of my writing skills and now am barely surpassing the writing quality of the AI.
          	While I use AI to boost my skills and reach further heights. I'm now at a point where I have to put more effort in improving my skills to continue raising the bar since the current AI now fails to reach my current standards. 
          	This will probably slow down progress because I don't want to half-ass my writing. But I'd rather prefer the gradual quality increase the more chapters I publish.
          	So yeah. In Volume 2, I'm doing my best to keep cooking harder and it might take a while again to start publishing to completion. 


I have yet again reached a ceiling of my writing skills and now am barely surpassing the writing quality of the AI.
          While I use AI to boost my skills and reach further heights. I'm now at a point where I have to put more effort in improving my skills to continue raising the bar since the current AI now fails to reach my current standards. 
          This will probably slow down progress because I don't want to half-ass my writing. But I'd rather prefer the gradual quality increase the more chapters I publish.
          So yeah. In Volume 2, I'm doing my best to keep cooking harder and it might take a while again to start publishing to completion. 


Ahem I wanna say... Man you really can cook something good lol. 
          Maybe if you try to assign in Nexon story maker part, haha well who knows. 
          Anyway please keep this book going untuk end but of course take your time too, don't push yourself okay? 
          And that's all I want to say, good Day or night what ever time it is over there and take care! 


@AzuraAdelheid Nice idea. Don't worry I'll keep writing on this book, maybe it'll end in Volume 3 or 4. I'm just polishing up Volume 2 and is almost done with it.
            Thank you for the comments! 


Rereading Volume 2... Yah imma rewrite it as well. Mostly Part 1 because boi I found a lot of problems.
          Part 2 is good. Part 3 could use some work on the character introduction (yah I botched it up, so need to improve it)
          Part 4 is also good.
          Part 5... Still not done.
          Well we're now back to the old situation. (wait until I finish part 5 along with rewrites.)


Volume 1 Rewrite Done. Time to use the remaining 2 weeks to rest XD


Current Stats:
            Prologue (2,972)
            Chapter 1: Reincarnation (9,697)
            Chapter 2: Recovery (11,181)
            Chapter 3: Unexpected Encounter (8,335)
            Chapter 4: Entrance Exam (7,606)
            Chapter 5: A Reason Why (7,531)
            Epilogue (3069)
            2,972 + 9,697 + 11,181 + 8,335 + 7,606 + 7,531 + 3,069 = 50,391 words
            Previous Version is around 30k words


          Just want to say, i really like this story so much and just curious, in your previous post you said this is a rewrite huh? 
          How many chapters that you already made in the last before this rewrite? 
          And oh are you gonna always update one chapter a week? 


@ProjCRys I've seen the old book and dam the rewrite is even better, since in the old book I was confuse bc the volume 1 to volume 2 have an inconsistency.


@ ProjCRys  i see i see. 
            Damn you indeed cooking there lol
            Well then good luck with the series! 
            And don't worry take your time because good cooking need some times, 
            And don't push yourself too hard too! 


            Yeah it's a rewrite. 
            Before the rewrite I was about to finish Volume 2, I just made the rewrite because to make it the quality consistent as I'm about to start Volume 3.
            Also I'm already done writing most of the chapters in Volume 1. The reason I made a schedule of publishing every week is so that I have enough time to finish writing Vol 1 Chap 5(Just polishing up the last scene before its ready for upload) and the Epilogue before Publishing Volume 2 again. 
            Here's the chapters:
            Volume 1:
            Prologue (3k words) 
            Chapter 1: Reincarnation (10k words) 
            Chapter 2: Recovery (11.5k words) 
            Chapter 3: Unexpected Encounter (8.5k words) 
            Chapter 4: Entrance Exams (7.5k words) 
            Chapter 5: A Reason Why (7.5k words) 
            Epilogue (Est. 5~7 k words since not yet done with rewrite) 
            Volume 2: Two Years Ago
            (This is sorta like a Movie of a series and split the content in 7 parts because my phone can't handle word count above 50k words) 
            Volume 3: 
            Prologue (3k words) 
            Rest is still being outlined and being revised to accommodate changes in Volume 1.


I'm done with Volume Chapter 4 update. I wanna ask if you guys want to read the newly revised Volume 1 while waiting for Volume 2 Completion. 
          If you do, then I'll unpublish the chapters to refresh the story (Don't worry, Volume 2 will remain mostly unchanged after I release the epilogue of Vol 1). This way, you guys get to see what I've cooked 


@Hunter300607 Don't worry, I scheduled all of the finished chapter and I've given myself at least a month of time to finish the updated version of the last chapter of Volume 1.
            After that, I'll publish the rest of Vol 2 weekly as well. 


@ProjCRys don't push yourself too hard, there is no rush :)


Volume 1 Scraps have now reached 100k words... Dear lord I'm still halfway at the Chapter 2 revision. Either way, I can say this chapter is coming up good... maybe too good since it's likely going above 10k words at this pacing XD


I may have accidentally an OST using AI that actually sounds decent. Idk if this could pass Kodou's theme, you guys will be the judge.


@Sean_2756 Yeah, thought so too. But also made 2 new songs for Vol 2 and 3. I won't upload it on youtube because of spoilers but one can still listen to them in my udio profile.


@ProjCRys personally, it sounds good, although it seems to be out of place for someone in a futuristic academy... That's just me tho. Overall, I think it's good