
Ngl I usually don't open Wattpad, only do it when I need to get something off my chest, life has been busy lately and well Wattpad isn't the same as it used to be the friends I had here barely a few are left now and it's okay because I'm not really here either. 
          	Anyways so my confession was that I feel like I can't talk to anyone properly the two people closest to me are my boyfriend and my best friend. my bf, he is also very busy recently, he has a major exam this year and a lot of other responsibilities and I get that. I can't talk to my best friend cuz well  recently her dad died and ever since I'm the therapist in our friendship and even though things are kind of back to normal now I still don't want to burden her with anything, yk? So I just don't share my issues with her, even though she says that I should talk more about what's going on with me etc., but I just don't feel like doing that.
          	Now, it just feels like I have people but I'm still alone.
          	Idk what's going on with me, I used to be a happy person (code for delusional because I used to ignore my issues) and I still am a happy person but not when I'm at home, at home I just feel alone.
          	Gosh, I think I need to get a hobby maybe study more
          	Anywaysssss if anyone is even reading this, congratulations you reached the end to my weirdness! (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)


Ngl I usually don't open Wattpad, only do it when I need to get something off my chest, life has been busy lately and well Wattpad isn't the same as it used to be the friends I had here barely a few are left now and it's okay because I'm not really here either. 
          Anyways so my confession was that I feel like I can't talk to anyone properly the two people closest to me are my boyfriend and my best friend. my bf, he is also very busy recently, he has a major exam this year and a lot of other responsibilities and I get that. I can't talk to my best friend cuz well  recently her dad died and ever since I'm the therapist in our friendship and even though things are kind of back to normal now I still don't want to burden her with anything, yk? So I just don't share my issues with her, even though she says that I should talk more about what's going on with me etc., but I just don't feel like doing that.
          Now, it just feels like I have people but I'm still alone.
          Idk what's going on with me, I used to be a happy person (code for delusional because I used to ignore my issues) and I still am a happy person but not when I'm at home, at home I just feel alone.
          Gosh, I think I need to get a hobby maybe study more
          Anywaysssss if anyone is even reading this, congratulations you reached the end to my weirdness! (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)


Sorry for posting here? Can u plz check out mine book? 
          I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it. 
          The name of the book is   Agnihotri's- The Sinner. 
          Plz do vote and comments too.
          I think you'd like this story: "Agnihotri's- The SINNER" by savage_alone07 on Wattpad


Do you ever just feel miserable for no damn reason and just want to crawl in a hole and never come out? 
          I do not know where I'm going, totally directionless, ugh existing sucks.


@PriyalBatra05 the thing is people try their best in comforting themselves rather than looking inward and fight their fears.
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@PriyalBatra05 What you talking about is mental baggage. People can suffer without even going through phases. I was talking about that.
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@SaliShines that's amazing, im happy for you, love :)
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@PriyalBatra05 That's great!! Well, he's one of my best friends and I love him a lot. He's really funny but also very patient bc he's always waiting for me.
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@SaliShines I'm good how are you? it's been so long
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Happy birthday Priyal 
          Take care love


@PriyalBatra05 I sound way too hyper when I am not 
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@PriyalBatra05 that's good to hear 
            Yeah I am surviving Life is good , Praise be to God 
            Take care okayy!!!!✨️✨️✨️✨️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Hi, I hope you’re doing well! 


@PriyalBatra05 same!! I’m at the crossroads myself. School and college days were the best, now all of a sudden I’m expected to be a fully functional, responsible, well earning adult even though I’ve had no prior experience :(
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@chrisbardot ah I miss those days, they were very carefree in a way. These days its just school worrying about what to do in life I'm literally so so indecisive how am I suppose to stick to one career all my life when I can't even decide what to eat ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ 
            Anyways, what about you? 
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@PriyalBatra05 same here! I was going through my comments section and seeing your comments made me nostalgic <3 
            What are you doing these days? 
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          Hey love! I have started working on a new storyline and I would request you to give my book a read. I hope you will like it. Vote and comment to show support. Your single read can mean the whole world to me. 
          I am very sorry if this bothers you. Lmk if you want me to delete it from your board.


a token of kindness [ 18th july 2023 ] 
          insecure poems, confident aches; inspired decades yet everyday a death. stretching silences, concrete words; homes that melt and walls that echo. floating feet, rotten flowers; waves that pause in an ocean that seamlessly flows. 
          fluttering thoughts, fiddling feelings; coloured mouths and disappearing promises. hibernating lights and travelling darknesses; lingering lilacs and luminescent shadows. 
          minds of pearls, mouths of venom; do not lose by playing to their strengths. corridors of history, weaponsied love; transient nor malleable. fragile loneliness, screaming insecurities;  not every sunset has to be colourful. 
          sun of rain, thunders of frustration; mornings like amnesia, cloudless burdens. midday pride, repentance heavy; grief stricken victories, blackbird joys. mansions of footsteps, tears of dreams; we are all graves carrying the dying spark of life in us. 


❝ to be human is to be filled with emotions. let yourself free. allow yourself this necessity. instead of pushing the anger away or cowering from the envy, accept it as a part of your being. instead of telling yourself this is not who you are, give room to the negative emotions and let them pass by in a tide. we're a mix of good and bad both and sometimes, it takes experience to know. there's balance in everything. day and night. sun and rain. sky and ground. highs and lows. rise and fall. submit yourself to nature's dispense and watch yourself grow. ❞


@_chanceuxx_ honestly? Same I'm good but have had a few hectic days
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@PriyalBatra05 i'm good. i've been so busy these few days. tell me how's you? how's summer going for you 
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