
New update on “the little prince” my lovelies! Enjoy


Who wants an update?!


            Update the wintle soldier, pleeeeaseeee, i love it, i love this history


living with my autistic husband 


please change the book cover for living with my Autistic boyfriend, the puzzle piece is offensive to autistic people, do your research


@vampiregirl2131097 for one, I am an autistic person. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. I do not get involved in conversations about autism speaks since it’s very controversial nor am I for them in anyway. I personally like the puzzle piece, it represents me. I’m different but connected. There’s different parts of me that all come together to make me. That is how I view the symbol. It can “suggest” a lot of things but this is how I choose to view it. I won’t be changing the cover so I do apologize if it upsets you. 


@gallmilkovichagher The puzzle piece if offensive, do your research.
            the puzzle piece if offensive for many reasons:
            It is infantilizing.
            It promotes the mentality that autistic people are incomplete or are missing puzzle pieces.
            It treats autism as a disease that needs to be “treated” or “cured”.
            It suggests that autistic people are “puzzles” – incomplete or broken individuals who need to be “fixed” or “put back together” in order to be accepted by society.
            It stigmatizes autistic people and can lead to feelings of isolation or exclusion.