
Raise your hand if you were personally victimized by the end of Call Me A Liar … 


I read don’t get too close 6 years back..I still fondly think of it from time to time..literally the best ff I read on here..I still can’t believe it’s been that long haha..hope you are doing well!! So great to see you have continued writing..will definitely check them out 


@PrincessMahone What happened to Sparks Fly? I was OBSESSED with the first and second. Would you ever consider reposting them? I miss that story so much!


thank you so much, that is so kind of you!! it’s one of my favorite works to date, even though it was one of my first. so happy to hear that you still enjoy it 


Hi everyone!
          The first two chapters of my new story And Then We Fell Apart will be posted in just a moment! 
          I plan on posting every Friday morning between 9 and 10 EST. This story is just about completed, so you shouldn’t have to wait for any chapters. 
          Happy reading! :)


Anyone know what happened to Sparks fly & the sequel? 


@PrincessMahone omg I’m so glad you answered!!! Yes, please repost it! It’s my favorite fanfic ever and brings me so much comfort. I can’t wait to read it again 


Hi, I’m sorry I didn’t answer this!! I have them still in my drafts, and I keep meaning to go through them and edit a little bit just to clean some of it up. I plan on reposting them, though! I promise!! :)


I think she deleted it a while back


Hi guys! I’ve been working on a story in the background for some time now and I’m going to start posting soon on a schedule just to get it out there! It’s a little more vulnerable than I’ve gone before, but I’m excited about it. 
          The story is called “And Then We Fell Apart.” 
          The soundtrack is posted as the first chapter. I’ll let you know when I’ve got a posting schedule ready!


Does anyone else seek out getting their feelings hurt by reading slow burn friends to lovers books? Asking for a friend.
          I’m curious what your favorite romance tropes are…. 


@PrincessMahone unrequited love stories, unknowningly hurting each other or slow burn. AND the one where they are enemies but with valid reasons that can be resolved.  