
Don't forget to take my poll on what story you want next!



@7Bookworm23246 I edited a bunch of my OC chapters too


@PrincessAvatarRose I'm back from Europe 


I forgot to tell you I got to see my aunt uncle and a lot of cousins I got to see my greatgrandparent's homes and placed flowers on there graves I also went to a lot of important areas like Fatima, Lisbon, the country I got to see the Sun Gate and the First King's statue I recommend seeing the Sun Gate or visiting the beach with the cliffs (They have great views when your on top)


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Just warning you rn I might not update for awhile. I have another fucking stalker and I'm stressed out.


@PrincessAvatarRose yay my family thinking of getting me maice spray for walks


@Pastel_Bludd I talked to his mom and he hasn't bothered me since so I think it's ok now


@PrincessAvatarRose oh no.... hope everything turns out alright :((


Guys, I'm so sorry for how slow it's been going with the writing! I know y'all get tired of my excuses but so much has been going on and I keep getting sick then I went MIA for awhile because of my depression and my alters being all over the place. It's just been...ugh...nuts. Anyway I am back to writing. Unfortunately, it's gonna be slow going since I'm working on so many books at once. 
          For now, I've gotten what I needed done for a few of them. But I am still updating Fire and Aether, Alpha and Omega, and yes, my lovelies, Horror Boyfriend Scenarios. It will take a little while since I'm kinda going back and forth between them. 
          Plans permitting, I am simultaneously working on three chapters of Fire and Aether at once because of the way I'm breaking up the comics. After those are done, I wanna get at least one or two chapters of Alpha and Omega up then I will update HBS again. Again, Imma be going back and forth between them so PLZ be patient with me. 
          Also, I wanna let you guys know a couple things: I will be having multiple HBS books coming out because of how many characters and scenarios that have been requested. Be patient if you haven't got your request yet. I promise I will get to them as soon as I can. Secondly, after I finish Fire and Aether, buckle up Gotham lovers cuz Penguin is next on my list with Every King Needs His Queen. After that, I leave it up to you dear readers to decide whether I do a multi villain reverse harem with Gotham villains or my Merlin story. Thirdly, once I finish Alpha and Omega (which could be awhile idk how much more I plan to write), I will be making more Supernatural Fairytale Series for all those that have requested it. After that you again have the power to choose between Cedfia Fairytale Series or if you'd like one of my Disney/non crossovers. I will make polls on these so you can vote.