
What’s everyone’s favorite way to cuddle? This probably sounds corny asf but my favorite is when Isla and I are in bed and while she holds me, she either plays with my hair or traces shapes on my arms and thighs while whispering sweet nothings. 


What’s everyone’s favorite way to cuddle? This probably sounds corny asf but my favorite is when Isla and I are in bed and while she holds me, she either plays with my hair or traces shapes on my arms and thighs while whispering sweet nothings. 


Ummmmm…So I have mentioned how Isla is not into BDSM right? 
          Wellllllll let’s just say that I was misguided because last night I was out with my best friends and came home late. When I came back she was sitting on the couch with a paddle and told me to kneel. I almost DIEDDDDD


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@Greatqueenofhell OoOoOo Let me tell you!! So I was like really fucking drunk so I started laughing because I thought she was joking but then she grabbed me by my hair when I walked closer to her. Let me just say that I was crying and my ass STILL hurts. But it felt so good to be dominated again!!


@Greatqueenofhell Yes very much!! I was a little with my ex-fiancé but I feel a lot more like a submissive than a little. Idk how to explain it.


@PregnantStripper Also, AHHHHH I am happy for you girll
            Judging by your books, Imma guess that you are into BDSM


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I know I’m late as fuck but HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!❤️❤️❤️❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨✨❤️❤️
          We really don’t deserve all of these beautiful LGBTQIA+ members that we have roaming the earth and we are blessed to have them.
          Homophobes go choke on a cow dick


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So you guys I have to tell you something. I’m ready a story called “The Sex Slave” I’m sorry that I don’t remember the person’s name who wrote it. I want to say it was @lovemaiden22 or something of the sort. But anyway, before I found my daddy when I was 17, I was a prostitute. I hated it but it helped me survive. My Daddy found me on the street one day, after a client had thrown me out after an “encounter”. He took me in and I was happy. He taught me to love myself. And while I could kill the bastard for cheating on me, I’m thankful for him teaching me self-love. And the story made me want to share my story which no one but my Daddy knew about. Don’t ever resort to selling your body because you think it solves your problems. It just makes those problems worse and even bigger. You’re not an object and should not be treated as such(unless you’re into that). If you try to get out, but they don’t let you, cook them dinner. Idgaf what kind you use, but poison them. If you’re caught and get sent to court, say you had to escape domestic abuse. And if you treat someone like that and they don’t consent to it, what the motherfuckking fuck is wrong with you?! IS THAT HOW YOUR MOTHER RAISED YOU?! SO THAT YOH CAN DISRESPECT A YOUNG WOMAN/MAN/PERSON LIKE THAT?! They’re still human beings, same as you. I hope you rot in hell!!
          Anyway, I wanted to share what happened to me, read “the sex slave”, love yourself.


Hi! So there is this story that I’ve been reading called “Runaway Slave” by @StoryMakerClaire. I’m not gonna get into to much detail but this story is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! It makes you mad, it makes you horny, it gives you the feels. It’s very mature but please read it. It has three parts and I’m still on part 1. If you choose to read it, share your thoughts on it!!


Stopped reading it. Got too much going on. Still recommended tho


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Update: this story got me fucked up!!


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Hi! My name is Skylar. I am 21 years old. I’m an Aquarius. I’m 3 months pregnant and a stripper. I just started stripping because my ex-daddy cheated on me. And I have to pay for things myself now. So I’m paying for my new loft, college, bills, food, and I had to get new clothes. So life is just a struggle right now. But I am very very very tough. I don’t take shit from anyone. And if another 45-year old man runs his crusty ass hands up and down my hips I will be catching a case. But yeah my stage name is Fiesty. I don’t love my job but I love the money that I get from it. So really in life you just have to do what you can to survive. And to be clear what I am doing is definitely not living, it is surviving. I can’t work anywhere else until I graduate. Shoutout to the current love of my life, Starbucks. You’re always a few blocks away from my apartment to give me my special juice and a venti Frappuccino with cinnamon And I just want to put it out there, my baby girl’s name will be Promise