
Yo gang! Editing chapters of Freefall actually takes much longer than anticipated, I wasn't aware it would take me this long. Not only re-editing the narrative structure, I'm also adding more context, and refining scenes and dialogue. So yeah, I'm not sure when each will chapter will be back up but i'm aiming for reuploading a 1-3 chapter once a day or every other day. So uhh yeah, pray for me lol, this ain't easy.
          	Alsooo I have a spectacular face claim for Yurie Rose, I'll be adding her to the Author's Notes section for those who want a face claim. If not, just ignore me lol.


@MrsEJaeger thank you so much for saying that, I'm really glad you're enjoying the story so far ❤️ It's always wonderful to hear from new readers!


@PrairieWaifu I can't wait for you to upload again. I love love love this story  You write so well❤️ can't wait to see what happens next! Really looking forward to reading the next chapter  


Yo gang! Editing chapters of Freefall actually takes much longer than anticipated, I wasn't aware it would take me this long. Not only re-editing the narrative structure, I'm also adding more context, and refining scenes and dialogue. So yeah, I'm not sure when each will chapter will be back up but i'm aiming for reuploading a 1-3 chapter once a day or every other day. So uhh yeah, pray for me lol, this ain't easy.
          Alsooo I have a spectacular face claim for Yurie Rose, I'll be adding her to the Author's Notes section for those who want a face claim. If not, just ignore me lol.


@MrsEJaeger thank you so much for saying that, I'm really glad you're enjoying the story so far ❤️ It's always wonderful to hear from new readers!


@PrairieWaifu I can't wait for you to upload again. I love love love this story  You write so well❤️ can't wait to see what happens next! Really looking forward to reading the next chapter  


Hey guys, posting a heads up! I'm taking Freefall and Defy Gravity offline for a while. I'm going to be re-editing them into a 3rd POV narrative for cohesion purposes as well as doing some editing now that the sequel's finished. I'm not sure when the two will be fully back but I'll release a chapter or two at a time, depending how long it takes to edit them. In the meantime, I will also be posting prologue chapters, there's three Eren/Yurie story concepts I have developed enough to post. They'll be updated at their own pace, I'm way busier now then I was this time last year so I won't be uploading chapters every few days sadly.
          Anywho, I'll announce when the books are dropping/when FF and DG are back online so follow for updates! Cheers!


@luvvxion I’m so glad to hear that! I think you’ll be happy, my writing’s really improved even from this time a year ago. 


YAYS omgee cant wait to read them when they’re back up


Hey guys, just wanting to give you all a quick follow-up on the third book. Progress is slow but I'm definitely wanting to write this book now. It will be entirely 3rd person POV as I prefer that writing style to be completely honest. I'm not too sure what I'm doing with the first two books but i am considering switching their format as well. I've grown as a fanfic writer in the last year and I am absolutely considering reformatting 'Freefall' and 'Defy Gravity' into 3rd person narratives unless there's a sound reason not to, I'm open to hearing otherwise lol. 
          I'm not too sure about when the third book will be out since i like publishing a few chapters at a time but i'm thinking maybe september as I'm also busy with trying to go back to school. I'll hit you all up then with an update. And if freefall and defy gravity go offline for a few weeks for reformatting and maybe even some rewriting, you know why lol.


@luvvxion I fully agree with you about third person. The book was originally written as a ‘y/n’ so the 2nd pov narrative made sense but now, yeah it feels a little clunky to me. I’ll definitely have to restructure it but good god, that’ll probably mean taking the two books offline for a week or two cause it’s they’re so long 


low key i feel like the third person pov would like totally fit much more since ur world building is so detailed and then there’s like oh “you did this” and like it kinda disrupts its flow BUT THATS JUST ME LIKE IM MORE OF A FULL BLOWN OC GIRLIE LIKE U DO U I LOVE UR WRITING FRFR 


Hey guys! I hope you're all enjoying your summer as best as you can! I wanted to quickly update you that I'm starting to cook up a storyline for a *potential* third book in the freefall series. It would be separate from the main two stories and more of a spin-off universe. I cannot full-heartedly say I'll release it, i wanna get some chapters in, gauge if I'm enjoying writing it, and if it's worth publishing. I don't want to publish something if I don't think it's something I'll finish. Anyway take care, hope to have good news for you soon!


It’s been only about 2 weeks for me since I finished the Freefall series and I’m still reeling. I wish I could just write some fluff Yurie and Eren college au but I don’t think I can/ think people would care about it. It seems I’ve written myself into a corner but I keep wanting to keep writing them 


@iiuvvtorii that makes total sense! I’d love to write more fluff with them, it’ll be such a nice palate cleanser after all the angst ❤️


@Dbztrunks7 thank you so much for saying this! It’s definitely something I’m gonna seriously look into doing. I enjoy writing these two so much and I really would love to explore them all the more. I’m still so serious about that GAME OF THRONES/AOT crossover I want them in but I’d love some lighter stuff too!


@iiuvvtorii couldn’t agree more!!


Final Final Announcement: The final 3 chapters of Defy Gravity are posted and ready for you to read at your leisure. Thank you all for sticking with this series to the bittersweet end, I think you'll all go through a whirlwind of emotion but all in all be very happy with the ending. Thanks everyone, take care of yourselves! ❤️


@iiuvvtorii you are quite welcome! I’m so happy you enjoyed the story! Thank you for all your comments of support! ❤️




Hey y'all final announcement: I've been writing but these chapters have been very emotionally wrought for me. It's sad to say goodbye and I've definitely put off writing till I was in a good headspace to. I've decided to not release a chapter one at a time and instead release them in one final batch so that should occur in the next week. I hope you all love the ending and I wanna reach out one last time to thank you all for sticking with this series to the bittersweet end ❤️


@PrairieWaifu i love this story so much like the wya it kept me on edge every chapter !!!?? EAPECIALLY THE EREN AND MIKASA SITUATION. ill wnevr forget the terror on my face when i read the end of the chapter "the sound of her voice" it scared me shitless but now it turned out all good in the end


@Dbztrunks7 thank you so so much for saying that! I’m so glad that this story has made an impact on you, that’s really the best I can hope for. It’s been so lovely reading your comments and others every release! Im gonna miss you all ❤️


@iiuvvtorii I am *heavily* debating writing an AOT/GOT crossover featuring Eren, Yurie, and Mikasa but I’m waiting to see if real inspiration comes to me once I watch some of HoTD season 2. Other than that, I have a few ideas floating around but as of right now, no solid plans for writing ❤️


Yo guys! Was going to upload a chapter this weekend but went into word only to discover my computer never bothered saving the chapter and I couldn't recover it. Going to go cry in the corner than rewrite it this week I guess :(


Okay y’all. The chapter’s rewritten and I’m hoping you all like it. Gonna quickly go through it, edit it, and should have it posted later tonight or tomorrow ❤️


Newest Chapter 45 just posted and it's one of my faves! Have two new chapters I'll be releasing over the weekend so stay tuned! Also *minor spoiler* you may want to get yourself refamiliar with the chapter entitled 'Cities of Dust* by tomorrow, just saying *sniff* ❤️