
R. I. P. Robbie Coltrane /*


My problem rn is that im fcking european (if u couldnt tell) and tomorrow i have school and idk if i should stay up until 6am or if i should put my alarm at 5.30 or sum so i could watch dream's face reveal and dont miss anything. And im scared that if i put my alarm i wont FCKING HEAR IT. Thats my problem. It would be great if you helped me find a solution. 


@Potters_hoe Damn our classes start at six o'clock and I wake up at four :D


Or i can like. Idk wake up. See his face. Go back to sleep. And then after school start going crazy :')... That could be a solution?? 


Okay i started reading fred weasley fic but i just stopped bc for some reason i just- I just cant read smth romantic and fluffy with fred anymore... Am i the only one? 


@Potters_hoe same literally same bestie. but for me i can barely even read any fics related to hp characters anymore bc it kills me everytime knowing that harry potter isnt actually real :/ it’s worse if the character im reading about is literally dead 