
We just put the song we wrote through google translate and it's somewhat weird ._. Enjoy ;D
          	When we met, I never thought it would be like this.
          	I have you in my arms and I want your most loving kiss.
          	Do not love to give what is in your heart.
          	It was a day without you.
          	He raised me from the dust.
          	I love you, my only sin. 
          	I want to see it in the light. 
          	Love, kiss, make your own.
          	Can't wait for the highs and lows
          	You are beautiful, don't you think?
          	You see who I am after all the mistakes
          	Be prudent and intelligent
          	He raised me from the dust.
          	I love you, my only sin. 
          	I want to see it in the light. 
          	Love, kiss, make your own


We just put the song we wrote through google translate and it's somewhat weird ._. Enjoy ;D
          When we met, I never thought it would be like this.
          I have you in my arms and I want your most loving kiss.
          Do not love to give what is in your heart.
          It was a day without you.
          He raised me from the dust.
          I love you, my only sin. 
          I want to see it in the light. 
          Love, kiss, make your own.
          Can't wait for the highs and lows
          You are beautiful, don't you think?
          You see who I am after all the mistakes
          Be prudent and intelligent
          He raised me from the dust.
          I love you, my only sin. 
          I want to see it in the light. 
          Love, kiss, make your own


Would you guys be interested in a Lucifer x Reader Story where the reader worships Lucifer and finds him in an animal form, brings him home into her  apartment she shares with another deity worshipper and basically doesn't notice the animal is him?


@PolarisAndMoon I think that would be great 


We won't post anything for a few days. Our writer just broke up with her boyfriend and needs some time.


@dr3am_caf3 We all hope so, thank you very much :)


@astriizz Thank you, we will tell her. She will probably come back to visit us tomorrow and we can take care of her :)


I'm gonna ask about you realesed the chapters by chapter?


@NikkiFormales0 No, I upload whenever I don't have a too long day at work


@PolarisAndMoon i mean was everyday weekends or only monday to friday?


@NikkiFormales0 Yes, I release by chapter, though I'm not sure what you mean


We're not sure if we'll be able to post today. Our dear writer has gotten some bad news and we're not sure if she got time to write today :)


@PolarisAndMoon We managed to resolve the issue for now and the next Chapter should be up soon :) Thanks ;D


@PolarisAndMoon thx for the update i hope all is well!☺