
Please don’t follow me just for a follow back. I would love to become friends with all my followers but that’s hard to do when people who, for instance,  don’t speak a word of English, follow me just to up their own follower count. I’m not saying thus to be rude and I will always follow back. Have a nice day guys and girls and everything in between


Please don’t follow me just for a follow back. I would love to become friends with all my followers but that’s hard to do when people who, for instance,  don’t speak a word of English, follow me just to up their own follower count. I’m not saying thus to be rude and I will always follow back. Have a nice day guys and girls and everything in between


If everything was perfect, we wouldn’t be on earth. We’d be in heaven. That’s what my grandpa told me before he pasted of pancreatic cancers almost a year ago


Oh okay :) hope we can be friends. I’m Jules


By the way, how’d you find my page? We werent following each other or anything


That’s true I guess but it puts a lot of pressure to make everything perfect