
Turns out i can't do anything consistently so now let's just go with whatever.
          	"Dear Ron,
          	Hell was, indeed, bloody. I did not enjoy my stay."


Day 2 I guess... 
          I don't know why I'm doing this, it isn't like anyone sees it anyway, I guess it's just to satisfy myself?
          Anyway, quote of the day is :
          "Let us be English or let us be French, but above all let us be Canadians."
          Patriotism I guess.


I'm just sad and depressed<3


Completely random, but day 1 of Canada Appreciation Week? I guess? I don't know, I've just been thinking over stuff about my native country and how little I'm doing for it. And then I found some interesting quotes so... a quote a day, eh?
          "Being a Canadian is confusing. You write like a Brit, speak like an American and throw enough French in there to freak everyone out."


You know that day when everything goes wrong? And deep down, you now it's your fault? All of it? But your brain wants to blame anything else for it? And you cover yourself in self-pity so you don't have to face yourself? But you still have that rationality, that logic, that tells you that you shouldn't feel this way, to be grateful and not feel sad because so many people are having it way worse than you? Because you have a loving family and a warm home? And you want to die, but at the same time, you KNOW that it's just going to make things worse for everyone you love? You feel worthless, but you're painfully aware of how much you are worth to the ones closest to you? And in the end, you keep yourself alive, not for the sake of living, but only to spare others of grief?
          Whew. I needed that out of my system. I know many people have it waaaaaay worse than I do, but... It still hurts.


I’m in muggle  school too!


            AWWWW THIS MADE ME SO HAPPY! Your so sweet and amazing! I don’t want to get rid of you. EVER! <3


@-fairylxghts- You will never be able to rid of me.
            Ever. Again.


@-fairylxghts- You've been so nice to me...
            I legit almost burst into tears (but it would be very bad if I did, considering I'm supposed to be in class and my mom (mortal mom my world is complicated ok?) is sitting right across from me. Thank the gods I have a poker face to rival... uh... Athena I guess? Yeah I can see that)