
Hey guys!! I finally got a chapter uploaded and I`m super excited to be moving forward with the story now that I figured a strange part out!! So I hope you enjoy and get ready for a big turn in the story!<3333


Has it really been this long? I promise-no more. I intend to move it back into my daily schedule from now  on to at least take a few hours out of everyday to at least THINK of something to add to the next chapter. Which I have, but just never had the chance to think them out properly.
          Looking forward to working on it tomorrow if I have the chance and the energy to as well. But, man, am  I`m happy to be making my way back<3333


Hey guys!! So I put up another chapter today and I`m working on another as we speak.  I`m doing alot better now that I don`t have as much writers block and look forward to working on my story more! Hope you guys enjoy, vote! And get ready because there`s so much more to come!<333


Ok so I did`nt love this chapter, but I also did`nt hate it. I think I just overwhelmed myself with alot of ideas and just focused on making everything as perfect and make sure it has a flow for over a month but I finally did it and now I can move on. Things might be a little confusing but I promise the next chapter will be even better<3 So I hope you enjoy it because I pulled my hair out trying to get it done LOL<3 Love you guys!!<333


Happy New Years and Merry Late Christmas!! I`m stressing so bad right now trying to get this chapter up. I`ve been working on it for so long but still nothing seems right or flows the way I want it to. It also does`nt help the fact that I`ve had writers block for a while now and it just adds to my stress. But I`ll be working on it some more today and I`ll hopefully have it up by the end of the day. Thanks for being patient, love you guys!!<333


Hey guys! I appreciate your patience as I`m working on the next chapter to the story<3 Writer`s block has been eating me alive lately and I just wanted to let you know that I`m doing the best I can to put it up as soon as possible, because I`ve been missing writing lately.
          Love you guys I`ll talk to you soon!<333


Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I put a chapter up, but I just haven't had any motivation/ideas and I finally do, so! I'm working on one right now as we speak, and as soon as it`s done I'll upload it. Until then, thanks for your love and support. Your patience as well-and I'll have it up as soon as possible!
          Hope everyone's having a good summer!<3


Hey guys, hope everyone's doing alright! <3
          Today I did a lot of thinking about my stories and no only did I change a couple things up in the summary, but also-
          Even though I know it's not accurate: I reallllly wanted The Jedi Temple and Nova's house to be somewhere near the beach. Still working on how I can fit that into the story plan but I promise I'll make it work smoothly.
              I just figured with being somewhere as cool and populated as Coruscant it would be a plus? I'm trying to work on a chapter right now, but nothing is really flowing:(. So I'll keep you guys posted but until-then-enjoy!<33 
          And please comment and vote! I'd love your guys feedback! It'd help a lot<333