
Hey, guys its been a hot minute. Maybe no one pays attention to my stuff anymore as I havent done much on here since like 2017ish. I lost all motivation and have been stuck in BAD writers block trying to force through it since I graduated in 2016 as school was the easiest place for me to write. Im currently still trying to finish unfinished stories and then rewrite them as not fanfictions since that's what most of these are. I do want to one day try and be a writer if I can ever get out of this writers block and to do that I will never sell fanfiction with the accurate names and descriptions of the people or things they are fanfics about. If you have any suggestions for any of my ongoing stories especially my sequel to Like Putty they are appreciated. The Like Putty sequel is the only one I wasnt actively writing in a notebook and can try to write in whenever. I also was starting a Sons of Anarchy fanfic that is Chibs one and I have a few chapters that I just need to type up and can start posting. But im stuck on that one too and hard to explain exactly where it takes place because I havent looked at it in a hot minute, but I believe it all so far takes place before Season 7 end. If you'd be interested in that then just let me know! Here's hoping 2022 can be a writing year for me again :) 


Hey, guys its been a hot minute. Maybe no one pays attention to my stuff anymore as I havent done much on here since like 2017ish. I lost all motivation and have been stuck in BAD writers block trying to force through it since I graduated in 2016 as school was the easiest place for me to write. Im currently still trying to finish unfinished stories and then rewrite them as not fanfictions since that's what most of these are. I do want to one day try and be a writer if I can ever get out of this writers block and to do that I will never sell fanfiction with the accurate names and descriptions of the people or things they are fanfics about. If you have any suggestions for any of my ongoing stories especially my sequel to Like Putty they are appreciated. The Like Putty sequel is the only one I wasnt actively writing in a notebook and can try to write in whenever. I also was starting a Sons of Anarchy fanfic that is Chibs one and I have a few chapters that I just need to type up and can start posting. But im stuck on that one too and hard to explain exactly where it takes place because I havent looked at it in a hot minute, but I believe it all so far takes place before Season 7 end. If you'd be interested in that then just let me know! Here's hoping 2022 can be a writing year for me again :) 


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I definitely forgot that I had so many parts to some of these stories already drafted and ready to post on here. I just did a few and will update the ones with a lot left over every week now. I royally suck and I know. Im trying to get back into writing. Life has been pretty rough since 2016 and I havent been able to write much. I will warn that there's a chance I'll make stories more sad now because writing is my escape of my emotions and shit, but im going to try my hardest to not keep them all sad and get back into it. 
          Once again I am very sorry about the long ass break. Some of the stories might get discontinued due to not knowing how to go on or public things that have happened with certain people in stories that I find wrong and don't want to keep writing. I might completely change a story around just for a new idea. 


I'm sorry for a lack of updating my stories. I've been dealing with quite a bit. Moving across the country, getting a new job, losing my mom in the worst way I could imagine. Still trying to get through that. I am starting to write again, but don't expect updates soon. I may start a new story as I'm thinking of discontinuing my stories "A Sickness With No Name" and "If Only It Were That Easy". I don't have the motivation or ideas for those stories anymore. I'm not giving up on any stories or anything like that, just know that all the other stories will be updated when I can get to typing them up and posting them on here. I work a lot and don't have as much time anymore, but want to make time for it when I can. Thank you to those of you that are being patient with me. I didn't mean to go on a hiatus for so long. I'll try to get the stories updated ASAP


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I know I haven't been really staying up to date on any stories. I'm going through a bit of a rough time. I moved back to my hometown to fix my very bad anxiety and depression. I then went through a long bout of having no motivation to write and having writers block. Then I got a job and don't have as much time to write or type up what I write. I will get back to my stories, but it may not be for a little. Someone I love dearly and has been here for me my whole life took their life yesterday after a bunch of shit just kept piling on. I don't want to talk about, I don't want sympathy, I just want to get through in my own time and come back to writing my own way. I hope everyone understands, and if not that's okay too. I just need some time to situate myself. I've never had to deal with 3 death in only a year and a half. I need time. Thank you.


To anyone who ready Where Do We Go From Here? there will not be a new chapter today. I'm almost done with the chapter, but it's not close enough to being done that I can post it today. I'm sorry about the delay in it. I've been on vacation and haven't had much time to write. I will post the next chapter as soon as it's done. I head back home in a few days so it'll be easier to start writing again.


@PierceTheRosePTV aw I'm sorry :( I hope you get better! No rush I was just curious. I'm super excited so take your time! Really hope you get feeling better because I know the feeling all to well good luck on everything! I'll be here when you get the chance to update


@breebree3201 i don't know yet. I'm trying to work on the next chapter, it's just hard when i just got to my new home, am feeling super homesick/depressed/anxious and on top of that I've been super sick this week.


When will the next chapter be up???


The sequel to "like putty" your writing is so amazing!!!!! I was so upset when the first one ended so badly, but your bringing it back! Thank you!!!


            Whoops I meant to say sadly, sorry!


@Slenderboy152 i wouldnt say it ended badly, just more realistically. Glad youre loving it tho


Alright, who's ready for the Septiplier Sequel of Like Putty? 
          I will be uploading the first chapter to the sequel (Where Do We Go From Here?), in about an hour. Stay tuned and I hope you like it! 


@breebree3201 well, im glad you enjoy my writing :) you have a lovely day/night as well!


Thanks you so much for this! I got WAY to invested in this story for it just to stop. You are an amazing writer and I enjoy reading your other stories as well as this one. Keep up the good work! Have a nice day/night!


Just thought I would give an update to those of you that read Like Putty the Septiplier story I did with my co-author PurpleCurse Pulses, the sequel is almost ready to go up. 
          The story will start a year after the ending of the first book/story. 
          I will be writing it on my own, so I hope you all will like my writing, I am trying to do better and keep the chapters long and as descriptive as my co-author did. 
          It will be called Where Do We Go From Here
          As long as I can keep up with making the chapters long, I will be updating the story once a week.
          I will probably put the story on here and the first chapter next week.
          Stay tuned and I hope you all like it :)


@Wolfkari02 I mean thanks for the update


If you read the Septipler story I did with my co-author PurpleCurse Pulses on here and are waiting on a sequel, this message is for you. I will be for sure doing it. Been working on the sequel for the past month in any spare time I have with ideas flowing through my mind. I am currently working chapter 1 and will say that when I'm done with chapter 2, I will start posting chapters for it once a week :) hope you enjoy cause right now I have a lot of ideas for it and am looking forward to your thoughts and ideas. 


            Yay!!!! Can't wait!!!!


No problem@PierceTheRosePTV