
this message may be offensive
Guess who (not me)
          	Yeah so I’ve gone for months and probably a year bro :dead:
          	I apologize for that and it’s literally understandable if you don’t read my shit anymore. I barely have the mental capacity or motivation to continue opening this app and write /nm
          	But hey, my writing skills have somewhat improved and it shows in my schoolwork, so if ever in an eternity I make something new. Cherish it as much as you can because that might be the last thing or something.
          	This might be connected to my infinitely long writer’s block..


It’s literally 1 a.m dawg I gtg somewhere tomorrow :sob:


this message may be offensive
Guess who (not me)
          Yeah so I’ve gone for months and probably a year bro :dead:
          I apologize for that and it’s literally understandable if you don’t read my shit anymore. I barely have the mental capacity or motivation to continue opening this app and write /nm
          But hey, my writing skills have somewhat improved and it shows in my schoolwork, so if ever in an eternity I make something new. Cherish it as much as you can because that might be the last thing or something.
          This might be connected to my infinitely long writer’s block..


It’s literally 1 a.m dawg I gtg somewhere tomorrow :sob:


Hi so Thread of Fate might as be on Hiatus but while doing that I got sm for this rarepair fanfic of Red Velvet x Affogato (the one I announced last night for me) and I might be really productive to make that fanfic efficient as hell or might leave it empty like Tread of Fate unfortunately :sob: any who I’m class and now I’ll be possibly be doing 2 fanfics yay so see y’all later :]


Bro my grammar and spelling-


HEY SO before I sleep (it’s 1 a.m) wanted to remind myself and possibly you that I may make a Red Velvet Cookie x Affogato Cookie fanfic! I don’t know for sure but I think it’s a rare pair? I did see a fanfic on it on Ao3 and absolutely loved it and shipped them ever since so I may get a lil bit of inspo from that so credits to that writer :D!
          Anyway I’ll go dip now gn and have a great day! (Thread of Fate will still be in works! I apologize for the delay :[ )


I’m sorry for not posting the new chapter yet 
          Procrastination has been on me and it’s already Luxiem’s anniversary plus Christmas break too. And now I’m making a lil shippost of an oc x character which I may or may not post on my channel. I’ll try to finish it within this year but if I don’t I’m sorry.


I’m still working on the next chapter for Thread of Fate and it reached 2k already :cry:- I was not expecting this but like- THANK YOU- I’m trying my full on best to give an experience y’all would love or just like- but till then I’m still writing the chapter and it’s coming to the word mark I wanna hit! So cya soon!