
I know no one’s gonna look at these, but I just wanna at least make it known that I have officially made the covers for the two stories I’m planning. 
          	To be totally honest, the second cover I made looks wayyyy better than the first one, but it’s okay I guess.
          	Anyways, I’ll cya around!
          	- Peter B. Reid


Aye, thanks for the follow! ;) 


No problem! I really enjoy reading your comments in the book! Thanks for following me too!
            - Peter B. Reid


I know no one’s gonna look at these, but I just wanna at least make it known that I have officially made the covers for the two stories I’m planning. 
          To be totally honest, the second cover I made looks wayyyy better than the first one, but it’s okay I guess.
          Anyways, I’ll cya around!
          - Peter B. Reid


It’s my first day on Wattpad!
          ...or at least on my own official account.
          The other one I had is mainly fan made stuff. That one is sorta new as well, but I’ve been on the site long enough to get a feel for this website.
          And a feel I did get.
          Y’all 13 year olds ain’t so innocent are ya?
          WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?!?!?!??!
          I’ll cya around!
          - Peter B. Reid